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My house my rules

Degbeme70-79, M
*changes the direction of your toilet paper*
That鈥檚 a crime but okay. 馃槀
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@Degbeme you鈥檙e really askin for it Degs!
@Degbeme I thought me walking in with my muddy shoes on was bad, that's crazy
But it's so tiny that it only fits you...

@UndercoverBard Those two extra inches matter...
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@HootyTheNightOwl it鈥檚 like 1 maybe 馃槖
@UndercoverBard You're a dude... we all know that dudes can't measure...
LilPrincess41-45, F
Someone seems a little short on patience 馃槖
LilPrincess41-45, F
@UndercoverBard Aww shucks...thank ya buddy
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@LilPrincess wasn鈥檛 a compliment 馃槖馃槖
LilPrincess41-45, F
I didn鈥檛 do such thing!!! 馃槻
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@mindstruggle now you won鈥檛 even admit it
GuiltyBiStander31-35, F
But, I'm not wearing a hat.

What do you mean I can leave it on ?
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@GuiltyBiStander don鈥檛 mess with ma head
I'll have my guards see you to the exit ...馃憣 Guards! 馃敱馃槍
That鈥檚 not what you agreed to last night!
Why did you ask for my help then? 馃槖
If not me so who did it?
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@mindstruggle meeeeee
Your house, your rules but you let me boss you around? 馃槖
BobbyMoeven51-55, M
I mean ,

May be ..

But I don't think it's legal of you to perform a strip search every time someone enters your home ...馃憖
Correction: your doll house, your rules.
Captainjackass31-35, M
I can imagine you in a hobbit hole.
BittersweetPotato31-35, F
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@BittersweetPotato I don鈥檛 live in the soil 馃檮
@UndercoverBard but your fence is a few feet into my soil, you need to take it down
Mr homeowner big shot over here
iamonfire69641-45, F
Okay Boss
UndercoverBard31-35, M
@empanadas 1300 sq ft
empanadas31-35, M
@UndercoverBard damn that's nice. You living the bachelor's life. Time to push out babies
iamonfire69641-45, F
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@XDHyperGirlXD1 Naughty words, brat... 馃槺馃槺馃槺
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@HootyTheNightOwl im getting more powerful with the DARK SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D
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UndercoverBard31-35, M
@empanadas ok you鈥檙e outta here

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