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What do you think reveals the most about a person without knowing much about them?

icedsky · 51-55, M
How they treat other people
@icedsky Could you please give me an example?
icedsky · 51-55, M
@SW-User Not first impressions because those are often wrong. But someone you've met recently that is a total jerk to people or a certain group of people.
AbbeyRhode · F
How they treat people who work for them, like waiters or cashiers.
@AbbeyRhode Could that personality not be separate from their overall personality, or do you think it filters through their whole being?
AbbeyRhode · F
@SW-User It's part of the whole person. How a person treats working people, that some may consider 'beneath' them, is important. Also, how they treat children and animals. A good person will show kindness to all.
calicuz · 51-55, M
How they speak. Vocabulary and tone in their voice. I can tell whether I can trust someone in the first couple of sentences.

And maybe it comes from your high quality of emotional intelligence and experience.... well done anyway... 🤗🤗
calicuz · 51-55, M

Thank you for that. Much love to you. 🥰

Much love to you too my friend... 🙏🙏💖
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
The way they talk about other people, and their actions.
@Jeephikelove With those people I would at least know I would be talked about, if nothing else. 😂
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
@SW-User lol true
Kindness, the conversation and discussions on topic they interact.
@SW-User I depends on the reason why they leave. I loved someone for 7.5 years. She promised me to be there as a good friend. But after she was struggling and I helped her with a small gift for her business. She never responded, infact she blocked me. There are also many other such examples. I really lost hopes from people.
@littlepuppywantanewlife I'm really sorry to hear that. Although none of this you could have foreseen, right? Which adds to my belief that we can't really know someone. People can always surprise us.
@SW-User That's true. People can change with time and situation.
Mirage · F
Hmm, a bit hard to answer this definitively. Humans are faceted and we can behave differently in every situation and environment. Everything we observe is merely a slice. Observing them when they have no audience or think no-one is watching, probably reveals the most in a short term sense. But then again, check out well known, well liked serial killers. Who knew.

Most things are tainted by our own perception, bias and many times projection me thinks.
Mirage · F
@revenant Indeed. When they're not trying to impress or prove something.
revenant · F
@Mirage yes. Lots of people know "how to fake " it so I dismiss that old waiters cliche pretty much now
@Mirage absolutely my own thinking
Purplehaze78 · 46-50, F
When they get angry 😐
@Purplehaze78 Fair point. At that point they can't see beyond their ego.
Purplehaze78 · 46-50, F
@SW-User No, i don't automatically assume that the angry person is a monster. We all have different breaking points and have loads to carry. It simply tells me that whatever made them that angry must be more important than listening to reason.
Purplehaze78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard I learned that the hard way 😁.
A persons character ? 🤔
I’d have to say …
A person's thoughts, and how they frame them, provides powerful forensic evidence of their character. What a person says is often less important than how they choose to say it. Every sentence has an origin point in a person's mind with an intention that drives it.
Lovely 😊.
Don’t forget to read my disclaimer 😌@calicuz
@SW-User very interesting and well said.
Thank you madame 🙇‍♂️@SW-User
Freeranger · M
Here....... you will never know. This is the house of escapism and fantasy.
Out there in real life, within the spheres of our own lives, all one has to do is sit back and watch the people around us.
You're known by how you live and the company you keep. It's not new news is it.
@Freeranger And yet, is it enough to know someone by how they live and the company they keep? They can live well drowning in debt and the company people keep can also be alright even if a lot of people choose to decide otherwise. Sometimes all it says is they dared to stand different.

On here, it needs more time and more close engagement with someone and then you'll have a better picture.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
How they treat ugly animals. lol
@plungesponge To me all animals are beautiful. Even the ugly ones.😂
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Their voice reveals a lot.
I can gauge their overall mood, level of interest/presence, if they’re attracted someone or upset about them. often their physical and mental health, their socio economic status and cultural background.
@WhateverWorks Interesting point.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
I guess the first giveaway is usually manner of speech. If you’re just watching them for whatever reason body language can be a giveaway as well. Appearances also help but I’m a bad judge of character on all that.
@Rokasu Would you determine whether or not you want to know a person based off those alone?
Rokasu · 36-40, M
@SW-User It’s 50/50. Loneliness drives me to make a sacrifice or two lol
Fairydust · F
For me… body language, I can read people like a book, I always get feeling/vibes, I always know more than they tell me. I can read between the lines.
Fairydust · F
@ML2022 💯🥰❤️
@Fairydust We do have quite a bit in common.😉💖

I have dicovered things that weren't so lovely, and in a way, I'm glad, but in one case, it was downright heartbreaking.
Fairydust · F
@ML2022 same, just makes you stronger.❤️🥰
1. Crisis reveals character. As does grace, in the face of confrontation or irritation.

2. How they treat people who have nothing to offer them.
@SethGreene531 So many people don't have grace and reverence, even for themselves. You must hold very high standards if that is what you thought of first.
@SW-User Dignified or restrained conduct when one's temper or patience is measured.

Some individuals are measured and found wanting. Revealing a sore lack of emotional maturity, and respect for themselves or others.

For example, regard how your dinner date treats wait staff who mishandle an order; a boss, the employee who's made an honest mistake; or the pet owner or father, whose little charges are acting out.
How they treat others.... I guess.
But that can be deceiving too a lot of the times.
Ah I'm wary of those that love bombing me
@SW-User Lol. I have enjoyed being love bombed (when I didn't know what it was) and then I have also cried tears when the breadcrumbing came in. And then I educated myself on the whole thing of narcissists.😂 I learnt a lot about myself too in that process.
@SW-User hahaha yes cheap words 😕
It's good that you learned about those, me too
WillaKissing · 56-60
Their character, Does the actions and deeds, and how they treat others back up the words and things they say and think.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
How they treat servants, animals, service persons, how they react to stress.
@Muthafukajones All good points.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M

I have some of my best dates waiting in a restaurant for a table. It can be amazingly fun waiting with a new woman waiting to be seated. It can be awkward or even unpleasant with others. It reveals a lot.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
What they do behind closed doors. But however that gets revealed... I don't know
@caPnAhab some kind of voyeuristic tendencies?
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@SW-User I guess so

But I'm trying not to find out
How they speak about those they care about. If they dont speak of them in a respectful way I know they won't respect me
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
how they react/respond when put out of their comfort zone...
@wildbill83 Lol. That can also be some triggering pattern in them that can make their reaction less than nice. What would that reveal to you?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
observing them / their behaviour or words
@Unlearn How do you ascertain we're right?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@SW-User When they keep reinforcing my judgment with their behaviour or words. It's almost like a game with me. When i meet or communicate with a person, i form an opinion on them and most of the times, over a period of time, my opinion gets validated. I guess that allows me to have more confidence in my initial opinions on people...
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
You can't. Period.
@assemblingaknob I'm beginning to think so too.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@SW-User yes. I learnt that the hard way at work. The worst people will paint you as they wish, all the while being the most disgusting ass human beings themselves. I don't know how the worst people have the most friends.
@assemblingaknob Because they have the ability to sneak in to peoples minds and hearts with all their fakeness.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
As soon as they open their gob. 😬
@Degbeme And what about their gobs being open?👀😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User It`s what spills out. 🤭
The way they hug you.
@SW-User In what way?
Degbeme · 70-79, M
You can just sense their true feelings toward you. No words needed. @SW-User
4meAndyou · F
I have proven over and over again that I am a very poor judge of character. I always look into their eyes and believe anything I see in them.
@4meAndyou Feel free to ignore this of course but I am really curious and if you will oblige me- why do you do that?
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User No, I would never ignore you. I haven't done it in many years, but it was always tied up with feelings of love and attraction on my part.
@4meAndyou Okay, I understand a bit better now. And thank you for saying that. ❤️
Nimbus · M
An autobiography.
@Nimbus That can be manipulated to project so many things.🙃
JustNik · 51-55, F
Not sure anything does really, but time and the accumulation of observations can give you some sense of part of them anyway. People are complicated and contradictory. I take things more as possible pieces of a puzzle.
@JustNik Yes. Every time we observe something in someone, we're just witnessing a part of the puzzle that they are. I believe that. I also believe that where we 'stand' in our lives and mindset has a huge impact on how we would view them too.
Which throws the whole 'absolute knowing' out of the window for me, lol.
bookerdana · M
and /why not...??? I guess their bearing ,how they hold their body and (yes bonus content😀) you learn a lot by how they express themselves(how they perceive others and themselves)

In the end a perceptive person may glean a lot with a shorter acquaintanceship but you can also miss a lot
bookerdana · M
@SW-User See ..butter not wait for why nots to churn😄
@bookerdana Love the word play. 😂
bookerdana · M
@SW-User I'll let myself out

reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
how they treat dogs, how they treat waiters and waitresses, how they react to a cashier making a mistake (take advantage or correct them)
@reflectingmonkey yeah it says a lot.
eMortal · M
@reflectingmonkey i know someone who does that well but is very very bad.
A lot of good answers, which i can't add to, but just that one could be wrong about someone using those methods. I think a lot of bad blood exists between people when minds are made up.
I think a lot of bad blood exists between people when minds are made up.
Totally agree.
And all the methods are partial, without giving a full picture. The full picture could be something totally different.
Ontheroad · M
Their interactions with other people. It's not difficult to spot all sorts of red flags if you just pay attention.
@Ontheroad true
Showing that they care. Not being full of themselves. Being friendly with everyone. Treating their family well.
@SW-User Good points.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Their body language, and hard they try to get people to like them
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SW-User Everyone wants to be liked. But some people are just genuinely nice, and others are narcissists, it's usually easy to tell the difference.
@Rolexeo I'm sorry for pushing this point but I really want to understand this. How is it easy to tell the difference from genuinely nice and narcissist?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SW-User It's ok, basically narcissism will eventually manifest. The negative emotions come out, whether it be guilt-tripping you over something, expressing a lot of hatred towards someone else, etc.
OhIsMe · 36-40, M
Good question! I've thought of lots of answers - manners, clothing, how they greet you the first time - but I can argue against them all.
@OhIsMe Right? Every time I think something reveals something about someone, I have a counterpoint. 😂 Which makes me think that maybe we just like to think we can assess but it's often just very rudimentary guidelines, sometimes even symptoms of something darker. E.g, covert narcissism hiding as altruism.
Fluffybull · F
The books they read. That is, that they REALLY read. Not just the ones they think they SHOULD read.
eMortal · M
@Fluffybull what if they only read self help book?
@Fluffybull How would you ever find out if they read it?
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
The number of bodies buried in their backyard tells many tales.
@Dainbramadge So you go digging peoples backyards? How long after introductions?😂
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@SW-User If you really want to know the truth, you will go the extra yard. LOL
anger rage resentment
sorrow pity embarrassed
happy caring loving

can all be seen with just a single glance
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
How they carry themselves, how they dress, how they treat other people and animals.
By appearance or behaviour?
@SW-User It depends a great deal on how much knowledge one has oneself. For example, in the UK you can immediately tell a great deal about someone from their accent. If you are very well-travelled you could apply that to other nations. Generally though it's a combination of things and it depends how observant you are and how much you know. For example, can you recognize high end clothing which doesn't have visible logos? People's hands offer a lot of information, as do their faces and hairstyles...if you understand what you are looking at. How someone carries themselves in general is a good indicator of background and character too.
@agetheweebeast Cannot argue with any of that. True.
@SW-User I have found the surest way to for me to get a beat on a stranger is to simply extend my hand, make eye contact and introduce myself. "I'm *my name* How do you do?"
The correct response to which, is technically to ask "How do you do?" In return.
If they know this, you can immediately assign them a certain level of social status.
How they react gives me a very good idea of who they are in a short amount of time. For example, are they accustomed to polite introductions or does this make them slightly flustered..do they start rabbiting their head off nervously or do they simply respond in kind and not try to engage in further conversation. You can sum people up pretty well just doing that, in my experience.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
If your dog likes them or not ,, why just experience
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4meAndyou · F
@Barny52 My dogs both liked the 3rd ex because he helped me to raise them from puppies...and one of them actually swam across a shallow river while we were rock hunting to follow him...and HE loved her. And yet...after they died he became a nightmare of a person.
@Barny52 That's an interesting one.
alan20 · M
A genuine attempt to question oneself and admit one may have got something wrong. It could be from lack of attention or even change of mood after a period of time .
@alan20 I've always related a lot more to men than women. It's not that I am masculine and it's not even that there is any kind of sexual tension with men who have been friends. I just find more common ground and I enjoy their company.
alan20 · M
@SW-User Thank you for writing again. I very much value your friendship. I'll write at more length later.
alan20 · M
@alan20 ❣️
without knowing much, it's very difficult. we often look for and recognize the qualities we have and consider to be good in others. they aren't always the same for everyone.
@deathfairy So true! There is always some level of projection going on.
Ducky · 31-35, F
How they respond to criticism. Especially valid criticism.
@Ducky Haha, I can imagine how triggering criticism is to a lot of people. 'How dare they!?' syndrome as I call it.😂
Mooed78 · F
How they treat animals and people.
@Mooed78 True. Can a person not like animals and be a good person anyway? I wonder.
Mooed78 · F
@SW-User that’s a good question 🧐
Majorsite · 61-69, M
They're naked photos !!!
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@Majorsite Mine do !
@Majorsite I never look for those intentionally. 😂
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@SW-User Oh, But I'd bet You would like Mine, Very artistically done !
How they are with animals
@SW-User that is genuine kindness or lack of...true.
Their eyes and nody language .....
@Soossie Often enough at a basic level when people are just our normal, general, every day people.
Name and last name plus google jk jk
sally1981 · 41-45, F
How they dress.
@sally1981 what would it say about their personality?
@YourMomsSecretCrush Seems to be a popular answer.

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