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I'm going to try this weight loss thing again.

Any advice? And please be nice!
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
As you can see from my profile, I'm pretty good with fitness and health stuff. And that pic was from like 2 years ago.

It's very simple, on multiple faucets. It's not particularly difficult, either--if you do it the right way. It's awesome that you have that intention. That's a great place to start. I am naturally verbose, but I will try to bold the most important things:

First, overview for things we need.

Kaizen: Japanese concept of "incremental change over time". This is how winning is done, generally speaking. This is how peasants become Kings. One step at a time. The efforts compound and reach a critical mass, at a certain point.

Calories in and Calories out. This is mostly all that is necessary for weight loss--however, it is not the whole story. You also need to balance your metabolism--this means at minimum 15% of your calories need to come from healthy fats.
Your body wants to hold onto as much fat as it can, because that is its backup energy source. If you remove that backup energy stores consistently over time, your body will think it's starving to death, and it will do everything it can to retain the fat. When this happens and your weight loss stalls--you must eat at maintenance calories for 1 week.

Sugary drinks are the primary culprit for weight gain. It's too easy to rack up empty calories. These must be abandoned. Water becomes enjoyable to drink over time. And you can find substitutes for these extremely unhealthy habits. They don't even have to be super healthy. Even something slightly less unhealthy is fantastic.

To put this in perspective, when I first started getting on the health and fitness train, I began by eating extremely sugary oatmeal. But, you know what, this was a lot better than my huge stack of buttery pancakes with buttloads of syrup. This is kaizen. Incremental change. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SWITCH TO PERFECTLY HEALTHY IMMEDIATELY. All you have to do is be SLIGHTLY better than you were yesterday.

. IT'S OKAY. When you screw up, do not torture yourself. This is a natural part of the process. Don't reward yourself. But don't punish yourself, either. Have compassion for yourself, as if you were someone you gave a fuck about.

Treat yourself as someone you care about. Think about what is best for her.

Exercise is not particularly important for weight loss--but it is a good idea. People overcomplicate this...literally all you have to do is go on walks. All this does is allows you to eat a bit more, guilt-free.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Tatsumi awesome advice, thank you so much🤗
CestManan · 46-50, F
The problem with being on an honest weight loss program - diet and exercise - is that yes it DOES work if one follows it but you are hungry pretty much all the time.

One thing also, it is normal to actually gain 2 or 3 pounds the first couple weeks but then it starts coming off.

Another thing to avoid - when we do notice solid progress like say you lost ten pounds in about six to eight weeks, it becomes very tempting to "cheat a little" but that can quickly bring back our old habits.

Realistic progress is average one or two pounds a week. It sounds discouraging like, "You mean it could take umpteen weeks to get to my goal?" but the time will pass whether we work towards our goals or not.

ALSO, losing a few pounds might not seem like much but when the number on the scale starts going down (after those two weeks of gaining a bit), it becomes VERY motivating because you are seeing results.

OH and when your pants start getting too big, You KNOW you are winning :D Especially when you wear loose pants that used to be real tight.

I would recommend weighing onesself weekly under the same conditions, like first thing in the morning or after dinner or whatever, our weight fluctuates through the day.

When exercising, make sure you have some motivating music. Also try to imagine those extra fat cells screaming in pain as they die off.
Maybe read up on the 4:3 diet , or rather ....eating plan .

Yogis around the world have been doing this for centuries.

My mum who is in her eighties has tried EVERYTHING!...and was at the point if losing her mobility....and now...she's hooked .

She lost the weight, but still, (in general) eats this way (but uses her fast days to just drink fluids).
And yes ....she sometimes cheats.
But uts still working for her.

And she can't exercise at all.

Fasting or low calorie controlled eating eventually makes your metabolism slow down .....and you plateau.

But this intermittent fasting means your body can't adapt .

So it keeps your metabolism shifting ....and burning.

And for my mum to have such success is amazing .

She's dieted in and off for 60 years .

And this is the only one she has had permanent success with .

Good luck. 🤗
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@BoobooSnafu I look into it, thanks!
@Lilliesandlight from some one who has used so many diets, I've found fasting, or just keeping to liquids for a day is easier.

Most other diets have you obsessing about the rules of food you're under .

Where as fasting ...the idea is you just stop any thought of food for that day.

And this is actually the great part ....learning to NOT think of food is the change.

On fast days ....I may walk into the kitchen over 10 times ....but then I remember, and just go "No: not today" and I either walk out , have a glass of water, or , if the urge is bad ....find something else to do .

Other diets like weight watchers, or calorie counting don't create good habits . They either compensate, or make you obsess on food even more .

And fasting has proved to be good for health.

It gives your digestive tract time to recover....to heal if needed .

I really hope you find something that works.

Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@BoobooSnafu makes sense. I might give it a try. 😊
4meAndyou · F
I've just begun reading a new book. An SW friend of mine, cherokeepatti, swears by it...it's called Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist. He begins his book by stating that genetically modified wheat products and overconsumption of grains in general are causing us to be 20 to 50 pounds overweight on average.

I paid $20 for three books, (the one I mentioned above, his book 10 Day Grain Detox, and the Wheat Belly Cookbook), with shipping included, but you could look in your local library and see if they have any of them there.

Basically he says to stop eating anything made with wheat flour, and start using chick pea flour, almond flour, potato flour, etc etc. They sell bread already made at health food stores.
@4meAndyou our digestive systems are not what they used to be!

Modern living is so cruel to them .

I know myself....even my body tells me processed wheat isn't good...its the main reason I get bad indigestion....and toast is my favourite food 😫

But, reduction of wheat has helped me a great deal.
And considering all the alternatives out there....it isn't as hard to modify your diet now.

I'm now researching that 'leaky gut syndrome' thingy.

Meds played havoc on my system
...and three days of eating gut friendly things did more than what the doctor ordered.
4meAndyou · F
@BoobooSnafu I'll post it somewhere if I try this and it works.
@4meAndyou Do!

Everyone is different, but itd be good to get an honest review , rather than biased ones .

marsbar · F
Try intermittent fasting. There is a lot of info on it online.
marsbar · F
@QueenandCrown That’s great. I’ve heard that at 16 hrs, you start burning more fat.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@marsbar This is also great advice--however, it can be quite difficult. It's best to start with a much wider eating window, initially, then build it up.

So, at first, do 10 hour fasts. Once used to that once a week or so, then you can do 12 hour fasts (or whenever you think you can try it), then 14 hour fasts, then the typical 16/8.

A great tip is tea and black coffee are fine to drink during these fasts, at least for weight loss purposes. Autophagy is another matter.

In addition, for longer fasts like 24-72 hours, carbonated water helps me a great deal.

Also understanding that you will only really get hungry during your natural meal times. If you can get past that impulse, it will stop.
marsbar · F
@Tatsumi Yes, a gradual build up is best. Tea works for my too.
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
I stay away from the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be losing fat but gaining muscle, but the scale shows little or no difference. Better to avoid the frustration.

What I DO believe in is taking a picture of yourself the first day, then occasional occasional pics as you go forward. If you're being faithful in your exercising and/or eating, you should see a noticable progression.
@NotJamieM this is a good idea.
Scales can change just by leaning forward or back .

And you can get obsessed about the numbers.

Its not about numbers...its about how you feel.

The photo idea is a good one .👍
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
Look into detoxing. It can help in aiding with weight lost if done correctly.
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
@QueenandCrown I'm thinking of doing a 3 day cleanse to change things up. It will be my first
First watch you carbohydrates and protein requirements. Make plan for exercises/etc. that you can continue for long. Don't try to achieve anything too fast, try to have a healthy routine and a healthy life style first. Have a balanced diet.

All the Best !!
Lumberjack70 · 56-60, M
As I’ve gotten older, the fasting approach works best for me. The basic premise I follow is to eat only between certain limited hours of the day, say between noon and 6 pm.

It’s hard work. But you’re worth it.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Lumberjack70 thanks 😊🙏
Just good luck :)
Hope you meet your goals
Trick is to eat the right things at the right time
carpediem · 61-69, M
Good luck 👍. Second time is the charm
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Self discipline is key.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Cardio and strength training..low carb high fat diet ...good fats
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I just only eat smaller portions, plus I walk a lot every day. but just cut down on snacking inbetween meals.

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