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I Want to Take Better Care of My Health

Governor Cuomo of New York has just called out the National Guard to put a quarantine perimeter around New Rochelle.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
As far as I know, it's not as if the National Guard is preventing people from going in or out of New Rochelle.

"At a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Governor Cuomo said that the state would establish a one-mile-radius “containment area” within the town, and that its schools would close for two weeks beginning on Thursday. While people will still be allowed to move in and out of the area freely, large gatherings will be canceled, and there will be a focus on decontaminating the area. The National Guard will be called in to assist."
4meAndyou · F
@Thinkerbell You are correct. There was a discrepancy between the first story announced, and the later story. In fact, infected people are not being prevented from leaving New Rochelle.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Sacramento is also doing a neighborhood quarantine.
4meAndyou · F
@curiosi Are they enforcing it with National Guard?
curiosi · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou Last I read about it, they were using the police.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Of course New York is a sanctuary state so, illegal immigrants are excepted and allowed to go where ever the fuck they want. I'm pretty sure those are the exact words of the ordinance.
Good God :/
@4meAndyou Thank you x
@4meAndyou A synagogue, you say? Well, when the anti vaccination Jewish had reservations, he didn't send ANYONE to cordon it off or clean it or any of the schools where the anti-vaccination Jewish had children in attendance. He's playing political football-very dangerous!
4meAndyou · F
@soar2newhighs I know. That's why he makes me so angry. I have cousins in Buffalo. He reminds of so many snaky cobra types...makes me cringe inside...just like Schumer, Pelosi, and Bloomberg. Something REALLY wrong with them.

But harking back to that anti-vaxer thing with the measles, they did eventually tell the parents their children could not attend school without the vaccination.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@SweetMae These politicians need to be careful...they're bordering on Posse Comitatus. Anyway, the National Guard in any state would be ineffectual. 1. They themselves are "citizen soldiers", not vulnerable to this disease? 2. They don't have the manpower to do anything effectual unless it was on a very small scale, and what would they do if those affected by their presence did not follow their directives?
4meAndyou · F
@soar2newhighs I don't believe the National Guard received instructions to impede citizens. Thinkerbell noted that there was an update to the story, and Cuomo only ordered them there to help the citizens sterilize infectious sites.

Posse Comitas would not come into play. Governors do have the power to summon the National Guard at need in case of rioting or a declaration of martial law, but since it is only for cleaning, NA.
@4meAndyou I did say they're bordering on CP, but that's not a Governor's decision, and I realize that, but from what I've read, they're being used to disinfect a synagogue? That's ludicrous to employ the NG to do that. as I said, when NY State and City had issues with many in the Jewish community over vaccinations, no such actions other than shutting down certain school was done. No NG needed.
He hopefully thought this through. The American people, despite the claims by political people, don't want to be held hostage in any fashion. There could very well be trouble here. Violent trouble.

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