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Uk - Excess Deaths at All Time High

One of the main "news" outlets said that the cause was "the record breaking heat waves"

Its 100% not fallout from insane lockdowns. Its 100% not those weird mrna injections.

All these unexplained, "mysterious" deaths are from climate change.

The 2020s is full on clown world.
Fairydust · F
[image deleted]

Climate change boosters for everyone who hasn’t died yet. 🙄
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@Fairydust Thats possible. President Biden has had 5 covid boosters in just 2 years. HMMM
Fairydust · F
President Biden has had no covid boosters.
llloydfred · 56-60, M
@Fairydust Your right he didnt have one he had 5. Thats why his brain is messed-up (side effects).
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
And the excess deaths had nothing to do with COVID ?
Fairydust · F
he’s right though, everything was a lie about covid.
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Fairydust · F
@Yulianna How am I an idiot, because I don’t believe what they tell us.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The heatwave ended nearly three months ago and yes it did lead to excess deaths among the elderly, the young and the medically vulnerable, as it did elsewhere in Europe. There was no lockdown in force during this meteorological phenomenon. It is not unusual for sections of the population to be disproportionately affected by fluctuations in temperature. My wife is a registered nurse and looking out vulnerable people during extremes of temperature is a fundamental of practical and compassionate nursing. You have chosen to sneeringly attribute their misfortune to "climate change", presumably to support a preconception or ideological point of view.
Fairydust · F
[image deleted]
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@gol979 It is not abnormal for elderly people with existing respiratory/cardiac/immunity conditions to die when there are extremes of heat or cold. My wife is a district nurse who cares for people in their homes. One of her greatest challenges is getting people to take risks to their persinsl health seriously . . it is amazing how many British people will suddenly feel the urge to be active outdoors on a very sunny or snowy day, despite being sedentary throughout the rest of the year and consequently too unfit for even moderate activity.

There was no policy of shutting doors at NHS facilities at any time during the pandemic (my wife worked relief shifts at our general hospital and a GP practice to ensure that they did not shut). Capacity was unavoidably reduced by the need to isolate the infected, pressure on intensive care beds and, erm, the inconvenient tendency of nurses, doctors and auxiliaries to fall sick and/or die.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SunshineGirl yes, but we are being asked to believe that the record excess deaths are because of a 2 day heat wave. Well, not long to find out....if record excess deaths continue (im fairly sure they will) it cant be put down to a "heat wave" all year.

Yes there was a policy to shut parts of the nhs and we were all explicitly told to only go in emergencies, millions of appointments including diagnosis were cancelled, gps wouldnt see patients face to face (unless it was for the covid injection, nice £12 per jab) etc.
I guess climate change is the latest scapegoat for the jab. Wonder how they'll spin the narrative once it's obvious the excess deaths occur during cooler months too?
Fairydust · F
@BizSuitStacy aw I looked on there, they hide a lot 🥸
@Fairydust He truly is vile. And so arrogant. He's been getting away with crimes against humanity for such a long time.
Fairydust · F
he belongs in jail, pure Evil.
Morvoren · F
Whatever rock you crawled out from under, please go back. Leave reality to us.
Carissimi · F
What heat waves?
Fairydust · F
@Carissimi we had two days lol 😂
Carissimi · F
Right, and it killed a bunch of people. 🤦‍♀️ All over the world. Even here, where we are shivering. @Fairydust
Fairydust · F
@Carissimi 🤡🌎

Maybe it was gardening? Or climate change.

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