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So a week's worth of low level rudeness and general teenage grumpiness came to a head yesterday afternoon . .

Daughter was summoned into the living room by my wife (I'm too soft for formal discipline) for a "little talk". The upshot being that she is now confined to barracks for four days.

No immediate reaction from very stroppy teenager.

Then: "So, like, I'm not allowed to go out?"馃挕

"Ah" 馃

"Oh b*****s!!!"

The last comment certainly did not help her cause 馃槄

She was quite sweet with me after that, perhaps out of shock at my wife's strictness. We read together for a bit and listened to some Taylor Swift in her bedroom, which is about as exciting as my Saturdays get these days 馃幍

Not too bad this morning either, but as I will be stuck at home with her I am silently willing Thursday to come around quickly.
ineedadrink51-55, M
She's got a lot of things to work out. Difficult, especially in a society that embraces rudeness. Social media gives so much attention to bad behavior, rewarding & normalizing it. I was always the softy with my daughter so I feel your angst.
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@ineedadrink She's not into social media yet, the rudeness is mainly down to hormones and the holidays disrupting her routine. We can live with that, but not bad language.
MommyLucy36-40, F
@SunshineGirl When my middle child swears we ground her from playing video games with her daddy for one night as she does that with my husband in the evenings because my husband loves gaming and my middle daughter plays with him so if she swears she gets grounded for one night from entering the gaming room and now she knows not to swear at home anymore! 馃槀馃槀馃槀
MommyLucy36-40, F
By the way I'm too soft for formal discipline too (because of my autism making me like a big kid) so my mom helps me with discipline! 馃槀馃槀馃槀 Please give her a hug when her grounding is over and let her know she is loved dearly! 馃挅馃挅馃挅
Convivial26-30, F
The change is happening ;)
Convivial26-30, F
@SunshineGirl i think if we're honest we're honest we all act like that at the time... But we get through it.., her nature is sweet and compassionate... You know that better than anyone
MommyLucy36-40, F
@SunshineGirl All kids are secretly monsters! 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ I still think the best kind of monsters are kids! 馃檮馃檮馃檮
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@MommyLucy They are 馃挅
MommyLucy36-40, F
Awwwwwww! 馃挅馃挅馃挅 Tell her no more bad language! 馃槫馃槫馃槫 This makes me sad because I can't help feeling sorry for her now! 馃槶馃槶馃槶 I hope she behaves once her grounding is over and don't forget to give her lots of reassuring hugs so she knows she's forgiven! 馃馃馃
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@MommyLucy We had plenty of hugs last night 馃
justanothername51-55, M
Stand your ground 馃憤
Are you still able to take her out? I guess she is not allowed out herself.
My parents would be mad if I said that I guess, but hopefully she will learn and get back out as it is the holidays.
@SunshineGirl That's good you got out and yes the weather has been up and down.
I done pickleball and volleyball in the holidays.
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@happygoluckygal That's good, did the school put that on? Gymnastics and judo are on a break for the holidays, which is one reason why junior has been so grumpy 馃ゴ
@SunshineGirl yes I did at school and up in Scotland with my cousin
Getting punished for being in a bad mood? Usually something causes an extended bad mood and malaise not just being a teenager. She probably appreciated the attention even though it was bad attention.
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@JonLosAngeles66 Lots of things going on. Holidays are a difficult time for her.

She's not being punished, we're just giving her space and time to breathe, reflect and reset.
Bumbles51-55, M
Just let her out of jail. Life鈥檚 too short. Punishment doesn鈥檛 really work, anyway.
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@Bumbles It works well enough for us, she's sensitive and does think about her actions afterwards. Anyhow, I'm just following orders 馃槄

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