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Secondary Feed & Presets ๐Ÿ’ซ

Hi Similar Worlds ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿฅ˜

We've just released:

1) Secondary Feed

2) Presets for Customize Feed


Secondary Feed

You can create a secondary feed by pressing "+ Add Secondary Feed" in the Customize Feed settings:

If you do that, you can select the configurations for each of the feeds:

You can also give names to your secondary Feed:

Once saved, you can switch between both feeds on your homepage:


There are a number of desired configurations that are very popular, so we thought it would be easier to just have those as "Presets", so you can simply select by pressing one button:

Don't forget to Save!


Tip: This "Customize Feed" can be found by opening the sidebar:

And then press the "Customize Feed" button:


Thank you for your support.

We are constantly listening to your suggestions, so please keep giving them to us, as they are very important to the future of Similar Worlds.

Very kind regards, ๐Ÿงก
- The SW Team
Nuno ยท Admin Pinned Comment
Hi everyone,

We've just found some small issue with the Feeds that we noticed was filtering posts from specific users, more than we intended to, which we've just corrected.

Everyone should be seeing a lot more posts now, hopefully.
(depending on the users, this could affect some users more than others)

We are not actively making more changes to the Feeds at the moment - but we've just noticed this problem, investigated and corrected.

Please keep bringing your feedback.

Have a great weekend, all.
@Nuno Certain users? Did you implement Miram's changes?
MartinII ยท 70-79, M
@Nuno Interesting, and possibly helpful. But why wonโ€™t you reply to my and othersโ€™ commu?

OogieBoogie ยท F

Set us free.

Please give us an 'original feed' setting....

This is doing my head in!
OogieBoogie ยท F
@Mirage I get they are thinking this is a marvellous solution... And maybe it is.

But unless we understand exactly how it works, we are all just moving sliders in hopeful ignorance .

For me.... I've never used a "secondary feed", I want to see what everyone is talking about.... Otherwise I might miss something new and interesting .

It's getting so complex, I don't think I know how to use SW very well anymore.
@OogieBoogie That's why I only hang around here. What the hell is a secondary feed?
OogieBoogie ยท F
@fernie2 LAWD knows!
I'm having enough trouble wrestling this one ๐Ÿ˜‚
Just give us an option to return the feed to normal! I just want to see ALL post in chronological order like before all this!! Nobody is asking for these changes actually we are asking for you to stop! You say youre open to suggestions but when we all say change it back we arnt listened to im just so frustrated with this lately i dont see certain people anemore or Qs dont refresh for 15 mins at a time! If you really listen to our suggestions then make a poll or something but people are leaving this site and you dont seem to care
@TryingtoLava I don't see how hard it is to turn off the algorithm for one of the presets. But they probably threw the old system away already.
@canusernamebemyusername thats why im upset the peeps whove been here for years DESERVE to be listened to tbh
@canusernamebemyusername what language are you speaking?
PrivateHell ยท M
Why is it every time there are "improvements", I feel as though I need a college degree to get through them?
assemblingaknob ยท 26-30, F
@PrivateHell You're getting old.
Like myself.
Welp. For those still pining for the original chronological order, I finally got an answer:
[image deleted]
pretty near
mostly all
near 100% strength
not exactly 100%
almost never
If this were a paper you'd get an F for saying the same thing a hundred times just to hit your word minimum.
TrunkZ ยท 56-60, M
@Nadie the settings do have their purpose when you want to filter the feed, I guess, but it seems many would appreciate a button to get a purely chronological feed. That would be the best of both (similar) worlds
Andrew ยท Admin
As long as the response gives an explanation to the issue you raised, that's what's important.
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MethDozer ยท M
@geoam1 That's what IT people do.
Valerian ยท 100+, M
๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™„ WTF is a FEED?
๐Ÿค”How do I know which is The SECONDARY FEED ??? ๐Ÿง when I Don't Understand What or Where or When the 1stdary FEED Shows up?!!!!

I just come here and hit the Bell ๐Ÿ”” and Read REPLIES and sometimes Get Lost in Other's Replies and then Wander into Profiles and Groups and then Read REPLIES again, etc!
Maybe I click the Home Ying-Yang โ˜ฏ๏ธ Button and go in ๐Ÿ’ซCircles!

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Valerian ยท 100+, M
@Nuno I liked it like it WAS! There was NOTHING Out Of Order or in Want of Customizing that I could see that I NEEDED!

The Post, That I Posted Replies To, were there usually there to read Other's Replies as I Wished.

Now they're OUT of TIME ORDER more often than not! The Replies aren't nesting under the Comment being Replied TO!

They're all stacked up at the bottom together with other Replies to the same Comment and in some ODD ORDER.

I agree with @MartinII wholeheartedly!
@Nuno We donโ€™t want to customize anything. We just want to see what members, if there are any left, have said. Why do you not listen?
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Was the newest post before yours really 44 minutes ago? This is the problem Iโ€™m still having. If I donโ€™t do a search for key words, I donโ€™t see much. And I already adjusted the settings the way Andrew recommended.

Nuno ยท Admin
@SW-User (and Everyone) - please let me know if anything improved for you today. Many thanks.
@Nuno Iโ€™ll check it out. Thank you.
@Nuno Okay. Itโ€™s been a day. I do see more peopleโ€™s posts than I was able to before. ๐Ÿ‘
Carazaa ยท F
Thanks but many here just want things to stay the way it was a year ago. Personally its too confusing now! Do you like your cell setttings to change, or your email settings to change? Why does it have to be so complicated and so many settings?
ExtremeNext ยท 31-35
Bla bla bla bla bla bla

Good lord enough it's not even amusing any more just down right annoying and dumb

You hope we stay with SW? you have a funny way of showing it

Whatever , I didn't even read half of this ๐Ÿ˜ก
i just want to see people lose it over updates
so thank you
this make me happy
Lilymoon ยท F
Thanks Nuno I appreciate your trying to improve things but really you should have just left well enough alone. โœŒ๏ธ
Lilymoon ยท F
@FreeSpirit1 Yeah I've given up trying to understand it. They should have just left it alone. It's even worse now. lol
Lilymoon ยท F
@Darksideinthenight2 Gimme ๐Ÿ˜‹
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Fluffybull ยท F
I didn't even bother reading this. ๐Ÿ™„
I'm too old for this
NightsWatch ยท M
Making things way to complex.

One of the cornerstones to this site was that it operated on an open forum.

This helped to weed out much of the unwanted behaviors.

But now you're creating multiple avenues to foster mal-intent ....why?

Many of us are no longer able to respond to our friends posts.
This seems backwards from the main idea.

Is this to increase income in some way?

And you say you listen to your users but it appears most do not wish for these changes....so....why?
Keeper ยท M
Why would I need a second feed? Just create another site.

Seriously, none of this makes any sense ๐Ÿ™„
Valerian ยท 100+, M
Could you Email us the Manual in PDF form?
Complete with keywords searches and an Index?
And Where's the "Feed before we started screwing with it" option - or better yet... the old feed???
just when i thought the nonsense with the changes was over..NOPE ๐Ÿคฃ
The new feed system is absolutely horrendous. Even though I have my settings set to groups that I follow ONLY, I'm still getting posts through on every tab that are from groups I am NOT following.
HannahSky ยท F
Who's messaging Nuno 76x?
HannahSky ยท F
@SW-User breaking news ๐Ÿ“ฐ
@HannahSky if their not careful they might end up a dilf
always use protection
HannahSky ยท F
@SW-User It's Riley looking for dilfs lol
Nanori ยท F
hunkalove ยท 61-69, M
@Nanori Nano, I wish you would come over and slap some sense into them!
Can you give us a โ€œpre-new configurationsโ€ feed option please?
All this seems unnecessary
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InHeaven ยท F
WHAT exactly are you trying to do...
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout ยท 41-45, MVIP
You guys get bored or what? ๐Ÿ˜
iamelijah ยท 26-30, M
This is too much for me to understand.
Tminus6453 ยท M
My feed is still messed up though, i dont even get some threads alot of the time and other threads just disappear after i refresh, and yet others come in in a weird chronological order
Bushmanoz ยท 56-60, M
You lost me after Hi.. all a bit too complicated for me
I just tried the all users, time based option and the feed is still not in chronological order. That's all I want. Tell me what to doooooooooo. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
FreeSpirit1 ยท 51-55, F
bookerdana ยท M
Thank you for keeping us apprised of the new feed..what many including myself question is where are the benefits,many of my groups disappeared and the most popular group seems to be RANDOM..we used to be able to switch between friends and the normal feed.
With the new changes its like going from a Chevy Nova dash to an F-16,without benefit.

I appreciate that a lot of work went into this overhaul but if you had simply added "blogs" I would have been more attisfied
BlueVeins ยท 22-25
i like this
hunkalove ยท 61-69, M
Who cares about this crap?
JustNik ยท 51-55, F
Yay!! Everything looks just like it did. Lovely. Thanks so much Nuno! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘
Lilymoon ยท F
@JustNik Hmmm I'll have to fiddle with it then. thanks
JustNik ยท 51-55, F
@Lilymoon this is what I have - if that helps. I hope you find something that works for you. I know itโ€™s been a frustration. ๐Ÿค—
Lilymoon ยท F
@JustNik I will try that... thanks Nik!!
DeWayfarer ยท 61-69, M
Know why the feeds are the way you have them.

Know why you won't won't allow a true chronological order.

Know why the feeds don't have all posts.

Yet most that are "active" don't really want any of that.

It's like when your parents take away the cake and tell you to eat healthy but realise they're missing out on cake too and bring it back to the table as something else, but it's still cake.
@PirateMonkeyCabinet I really think they've just wasted their time.
PirateMonkeyCabinet ยท 36-40, M
@V00doo I agree, but I get a feeling they're just in too deep now to accept a loss. Too many manhours spent, too much pride in their pet project.
Nimbus ยท M
hello i am in the process of using this site for self benefit . like learning emotional control of myself and a better understanding of clickbait. one i can do with out being vip and the other clickbait would vip give me a better understanding of how this works by the memes and who clicks what and when.. and when i mean click bait i will live a video for you to see what i see.
IN SHORT WHAT WOULD VIP GIVE ME to be able to help me .
NerdyPotato ยท M
@markansas VIP has no effect on feed settings, so you'll just have to tweak those like everyone else. And the feed settings for free members give you plenty of control, so you have everything you need regardless of being a VIP member.
I feel like this is too much work for the average IQ user. Lolz

Still a lot better than the first update though.
ImRileyTheDog ยท 22-25, F
Okay okay

I see you guys trying to get me back on here

And itโ€™s kinda working๐Ÿฅด
HannibalAteMeOut ยท 22-25, F
Help, I want to be able to change the names of both feeds ๐Ÿ˜ช
assemblingaknob ยท 26-30, F
OMG so cutttteeee. Now I can have a feed that says "Andrew" ๐Ÿ™ˆ
Jenny1234 ยท 51-55, F
Why do I need a secondary feed???????

Sounds like outlookโ€™s silly upgrade to their inbox of focused and other mail. I miss half of my emails thanks to that. Now Iโ€™ll miss half of the sw feed
PirateMonkeyCabinet ยท 36-40, M
@Jenny1234 Being fair, people wanted two feeds so they could have the old setup from before these updates of "all posts" and "following". So technically I guess they delivered.

Problem is that people wanted those feeds to actually function like that, like before the update... and yeah, what we got now is two feeds that don't cut it instead of one feed that don't cut it. Doesn't matter if one has 1 or 256 feeds if none of them does what one wants.
Nuno ยท Admin
@Jenny1234 The Secondary feed is optional. It's not like Outlook's. It's just for those who want different filters/behaviors, so we give those the choice. (like @PirateMonkeyCabinet explained anyway)
PirateMonkeyCabinet ยท 36-40, M
@Nuno It is optional for those that want multiple settings, yes, but I also explained that essentially multiple feeds is of little worth if neither feeds do the kind of jobs the user wants, but you conveniently left that out.
Carazaa ยท F
OK maybe its not so confusing after all ๐Ÿ˜
smileylovesgaming ยท 31-35, F
I just want the original home page
Notsimilar ยท 31-35, F
Request; Blogs ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

bookerdana ยท M
@Notsimilar yesssssssss
OogieBoogie ยท F
Just getting back to this ...I need help guys.

My feed seems repetitive, even though I think i have replies set low .

Can anyone help with how to set my feed settings to get as close to 'see everything in chronological order

Every time I tweak my feed, it seems better, but over time it seems to narrow...amd this is EXATLY what I DON'T want .
Bushmanoz ยท 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie lets get the settings right then we will work out the tongue thing
@OogieBoogie Halfway there... ๐Ÿคฃ
OogieBoogie ยท F
@HootyTheNightOwl ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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