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On which topic or subject do you and your SO fundamentally disagree?

LilPrincess · 41-45, F
Well if he doesn't exist there are no disagreements...what can I say, I am a problem solver😒
@LilPrincess EXACTLY!!!
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@MrBlueGuy least I am honest 🥹
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Spending and the accumulation of stuff: I’m a minimalist by nature, and more so since my divorce. All of my belongings could fit in a 8’x10’ storage unit - I know this because for a time they did. I left with only what I needed to rebuild my life and feed my soul…my tools, my books and music, my work clothes and a few household goods. I only buy what I need, and the few thing that I splurge on as an occasional treat - a good bottle of bourbon, dinner for us out at a good restaurant, a weekend away somewhere, a book by a favorite author. She spends frivolously in my opinion: clothes, shoes, lotions, decorative knickknacks that serve no actual purpose etc. All that’s fine, I suppose, if you have the income to afford it. But she doesn’t, and can’t seem to cub her impulses to spend.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Money, I hate it and only need enough for bills, he loves it and plenty of it.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Primnproper That's a biggie. Not enough of it can cause trouble in the relationship but the love of money can also be problematic.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@TakeCare87 we have enough to cover everything and live comfortably but he always wants more like it’s never enough. I’m not obsessed with money.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
she believes in God / I do not believe in God

We have differences beyond that but not disagreements . for instance I am a workout nut and she thinks a great weekend is ice cream netflix and PJ's host of things like that but we can figure out a compromise. I wouldn't call them fundamental disagreements
Is @ss rubbing while cuddling sexual or just part of good non-sexual cuddles.

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