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Pfizer issued a press release Friday afternoon stating definitively that mRNA covid vaccines “show increased risks” of myocarditis + pericarditis.

Highest risk = adolescent males.
1000s of college kids are STILL forced to get a shot w/these known risks.

Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Thank God I am not a male , a teen boy , or taken any of these vaccines. How high risk do you think it is for older males?

My father in law took this vaccine and he has gotten sudden faint attack black outs. They have checked his blood value etc and can't find anything wrong.
InHeaven · F
Black outs???@Queendragonfly I think, he might need MRI of the brain for blood clots.

How can they call this shit in the syringe “safe and effective” . Unbelievable. Oh, ya. Marketing. It has to sell.... Bill Gates expected billions in returns on his investment
Fairydust · F
Yet they want to sweep it under the carpet! Evil!!!! Genocide.
Well I’m still alive, after having six jabs of Pfizer!

And yes, I’ve had covid twice. The first time took nine weeks in bed, severe bronchitis, could not walk.

The second time, only a fortnight.

Before the vaccines, 250 people died in my area in a fortnight. Ok a localised outlier.
But how do you comfort the bereft!

Covid is no friend.

And please do not rely on the herd protection of others. You may even be a super spreader.

A big thanks to Jonathan Van Tan for getting this all going.
@gol979 More complex than that. He was a brilliant Prof of medicine, at Nottingham. His research was second to none. That’s my old University incidentally,
gol979 · 41-45, M
@sunriselover and a quick look at how much funding the university of nottingham received from the Gates Foundation......$7 million in 2019. Yet another conflict of interest. He is a big pharma owned salesman
@gol979 Nottingham is in partnership with China
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
This has been known for awhile. The CDC states it plainly on their website. Still recommend kids get it though....🙁🤨
They knew all along. Tried hiding their data for 75 years.
And paid governments doctors and corrupt as shit media the world over. to force it onto ppl..

Nurumberg 2.0.
There can be no trust without accountability
MrFinch · 61-69, M
See also https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-action-updated-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-better-protect-against-currently-circulating#:~:text=As%20part%20of%20today's%20actions,use%20in%20the%20United%20States.
For a little more perspective.
Willyp063 · 61-69, M
It’s about time!
You work in Ryde ?

Pfizer has the largest Pure water plant for covid vaccines in the world, installed 2021

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