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No more aspirations, goals, dreams...

I have not experienced such a feeling ever.. I do not have any ambitions or aspirations anymore.
No urgency to make loads of money, no desire to travel, no inspiration, no longing for anything materialistic... Anyone with similar feeling?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
sometimes the worst thing is acheiving your goals...the challenge is gone and you wonder if you deserve what you have achieved.

sometimes the money isn't that important. and if you don't have a good work environment then it's a pain to go to work.

I left one job for one that I retired from for better work conditions.
It's more professional and the people are friendlier.

so I get it.
Kasiyat · 36-40, F
@Pretzel thank you.
I have left many jobs in past. And now I've landed in one such situation. I'm glad that you are in a better workplace. I'm yet to find one that is mental health-friendly
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yes same. I have PTSD from years of trauma so I know the root of my aversion to most normal things. Depression can also cause this feeling . But I just CAN'T care about job success or money or what status I have, or trips. I have no Self ...and really need to start creating one. Maybe one day I will care more . Its not a fun feeling.
Kasiyat · 36-40, F
@Coralmist for me it is mainly because I'm overburdened in my new workplace. It has been almost 5 months and it's been tragic ever since I joined. I have no personal life and it's not a friendly place.
Jonjdw · 46-50, M
Yes but more money would be nice. I feel the way you say cus I’m just tired of it. It’s all old. Like same old same old stuff. But it does not help that I have a full house. 4 grandchildren that beat us down. Because me and my wife’s daughter can’t take care of them. Oh well enough rambling. But yes I get what you say.
Kasiyat · 36-40, F
@Jonjdw thank you. It helps that you get what I'm saying.
in10RjFox · M
In short, what you're saying is you have no life having lost the urge to live life and no gent to live for.

This too shall pass for it's a sign that a new purpose is on it's way.
Kasiyat · 36-40, F
@in10RjFox thank you. I feel like disappear ing. But then, that's how I've felt during most of my younger days.
in10RjFox · M
@Kasiyat maybe you are trying to live life by yourself when actually you should be living for others.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I don't have any urgency to make loads of money, travel or be materialistic no, that's a good thing in my book 😂
Yes, kinda same
@SimplyLogicalDiscipline you can do it.
@req89hikowquou don't worry, I am not exactly the same as her, few things are same, l am content and not in urgency
Keep going find something to fight for. I feel the same at times. I may have a promising career but it womt make itself happen if i do nothing to make it happen. hang in there. As I am aswell
Kasiyat · 36-40, F
@req89hikowquou I'm not depressed. And it's not that I'm not functional.
@req89hikowquou @Kasiyat it's more like a freedom
@Kasiyat maybe got to find something you like & get good at it
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Nah, I have lots of desires, just no desire to do anything I have to do to be able to do all those things. 😂

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