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By the end of the year reading goals

It will help me i think if i narrow down what i hope reasonably to finish by the end of the year which is fast approaching, the following plus longer works will be what is being read. I hope 2024 will prove to be the greatest reading year of all and then for each successive year to get even better!!

46 days as of November 16

1. Henry VI parts 2, 3, and 1 -- Shakespeare (using a chronology approach, but there are also supplemental versions of his best)
2. Don Quixote -- Cervantes
3. The Count of Monte Cristo -- Alexandre Dumas
4. The Fortune of the Rougons -- Zola
5. Netochka Nezvanova -- Dostoevsky
6. The Iliad -- Homer
7. Institutes of the Christian Religion -- John Calvin
8. The Knowledge of the Holy / The Pursuit of God -- A.W. Tozer
9. The Screwtape Letters -- C.S. Lewis
10. Mysticism -- Evelyn Underhill

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