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Looking to beat social awkwardness

I am extremely socially awkward. Are there any tips and tricks people have to be more confident?
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@jshm2 really?
This made me laugh....but can see the reasoning:
Its about acceptance of all that is you - the great and the not so great.

Imma gonna try this much as im gonna hate it😂
I could do with loving me more.
Listening and observe. It takes time to learn the nuances. Different types of people have different expectations. You can learn by observing how they are with one another, what gets good results and what gets unpleasant reactions.
Keep a journal of your observations. Writing helps the memory.
Cultivate a genuine interest in others.
Never assume that others might wish to be treated as you do. We are each different. Always ask what people want or need.
Know your boundaries, assert them, and respect those of others. That means saying no when you feel a contraction or internal negative response, and respecting the no or any sign of reluctance or disinterest in others.
When others ask, keep responses to 45 words or less. Most people have a very short attention span. They will ask more if they want to draw you out.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
If a person, or people can't take you for who you are, they weren't going to take you anyway. You are better than they are, because they are being judgemental, without getting to know who you really are, and it's their loss. People like that are the true socially awkward, because they're too scared about what others think, so they don't take that chance. Who needs that, no one.
Fluffybull · F
Sometimes if you explain you're a bit shy or find it difficult dealing with things people can be helpful and make allowances ☺️🤗
Lose the excess self consciousness and try reading a book on this issue or 'how to win friends and influence people'
cycleman · 61-69, M
Don't beat!
Just join all the others who are stumbling about their ways trying fit in with others.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Don’t mind me. I’m just browsing the other responses. Cause I want to know too.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
One of my favorite authors , Byron Katie, always discusses how we THINK we are separate but everything. And One. She says "When I look into the mirror, I see you." So know that theres nothing to fear..nothing to be wary or think that you are any different than anyone else !!!🦋
revenant · F
People are funny and so are you, and me and everybody else. Try to look at life a bit like a cartoon. Detach yourself and look at it that way and do not try to be perfect either.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@revenant @eventtemple123 That last true. Do not try to be perfect!!
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
Just be who you are, socially awkward, and all. The more you try to impress others, the less impressed they'll be.
What I did is I faked it.
That’s all I’ve got.
Being on sW is a good start
Yeah....wear your awkwardness like youde wear a tuxedo.
Work it.🤗

Edit: only you can be you .
People can only connect with you when they know you.
If you fake it, if you try to be like others, people won't get to know you for who you really are.

Not everyone will love you.
Not everyone will like you.
But those who do, will be worth it 💜
Acting can help with confidence and feeling more comfortable around others. Our body language speaks more than our words.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Like George Costanza take what you normally do and do the EXACT opposite.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Have a drink
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