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The cooking misadventures of Helsbels (again)

I am meeting a friend this evening for bottomless sushi (basically you pay up front and eat all you like, you have to wear something on your bottom half) 馃槅

I worked out that I have actually cooked my last meal for 2022 as after that I am home for Christmas and will then be existing on turkey sandwiches, pigs in blankets, and snack food until New Years Day.

So I will make it my resolution now to improve at cooking next year and I hope that NONE of you will keep tabs and remind me of this 馃槅

Merry Christmas to all x
helsbels26-30, F
You know the saying 'there's plenty more fish in the sea'? It's been retired. You can't say it anymore. There are no more fish in the sea, for I have eaten them all 馃槱

MissSunshine22-25, F
Wear what on your bottom? And good for you sweetie!!
helsbels26-30, F
@MissSunshine I was trying to make a joke about being 'bottomless'. Like, the food is bottomless not the customers
MissSunshine22-25, F
@helsbels okay that鈥檚 funny now! Especially if you think of your bottomless sushi lol
Merry Christmas. 馃巹
DMmeyourtits22-25, M
Idea: topless sushi
Hammer5626-30, M
I misread the bottomless part, sounded like some sort of nightmare for a minute 馃槀
I am the only one in my family that eats sushi
LordShadowfire46-50, M
Yeah, I just bookmarked this page. 馃槅
helsbels26-30, F
@LordShadowfire 馃槵馃槄
[image deleted]

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