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Breakfast time, which cereal do you want? It's part of the nutritious breakfast!

Poll - Total Votes: 13
Fruity Krueger
Penny Bites
The Wheatful Dead
Chucky Harms
Tricks r Treat
Coffin Creeps
Art Crispies!!!!!!
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Fungirlmmm51-55, F
Froot Loops, but I will eat oatmeal instead.
1olderguy2061-69, M
@Fungirlmmm i loved fruit loops as a kid
@Fungirlmmm Oatmeal is good and so is cream of wheat, but you actually have to make them馃榿
Corn flakes or Captin crunch
Shredded Wheat... yeah, boring, but it's what I grew up on.
@Ontheroad Grape nuts are pretty awesome as well, as long as you have the teeth for them.
@NativePortlander1970 Yup, unless you forget you made a bowl and come back in half an hour.
@Ontheroad Or you can speed it up, a five minute nuke.
pride4931-35, M
Captain crunch. I just love having microabrasions on the roof of my mouth
@pride49 Alex, I'll take cereal to never eat while stoned for $1,000
I'll have to go with Coffin Creeps since they are High Protein, Gluten Free and seems to be boobs involved....
the Art Crispies sound pretty gluten-free
What? No Shredded Feet?
@PhoenixPhail I eat it, it's my favorite.
@PhoenixPhail 馃or torn to pieces bed linen shredded sheet
MrsMONAKanful36-40, F
I don鈥檛 eat cereal for breakfast
Umile41-45, F
MrsMONAKanful36-40, F
@Umile hello
MrBrownstone46-50, M
Too much sugar for me.
None of those, sorry. Ironically I like Life cereal. 馃槃
@bijouxbroussard My ex liked Life and I would eat it, but I never thought of buying it except for her.
@Ontheroad My mother liked it when I was a kid, while we had Cocoa Puffs. I tried her cereal one morning and decided I liked it much better.
@bijouxbroussard It's also one of the healthier cereals, so it's a good choice.
Coffin creeps
cherokeepatti61-69, F
pancakeslam41-45, M
Lice Krispies
Coffin Creeps...I'm a big fan of "Elvira: Mistress of the Dark"
LordShadowfire46-50, M
I'll have a nice bowl of Fruity Krueger.

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