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Leap Year tradition in Ireland.

In Ireland, February 29 is known as Bachelor's Day or Ladies Privilege, when, tradition has it, women can propose to men rather than waiting to be wooed. While some claim only a "Yes" answer is allowed, others say the man can decline, but must buy his admirer a gift.

"C'mon big boy, say yes!"

bookerdana · M
Sadie Hawkins Day here
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Oh, I like that tradition, though I wish that was every day.
Morvoren · F
It’s the same in Scotland too apparently
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@Morvoren I wonder where it originally started from?
Who wants to get married?!?!
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@SW-User Am I being too obvious??
Convivial · 26-30, F
Not just Ireland.,
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
In ancient Egypt, on the day for worshipping the Goddess Bastet, any woman was allowed to amorously approach any man. Many a young Egyptian lad lost his virginity on that day.

SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
You struck a good deal there!

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