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Do you pay attention to your BMI?

My body mass index indicates I am extremely obese >35. I rejoined the gym right after Christmas and have been exercising regularly. Admittedly, I need to make some changes in my diet, but at least I'm feeling, moving, and sleeping better. I bought a body composition scale which arrived yesterday, and it provided some alarming numbers so now I'm terrified.

How much attention do you pay to your body composition figures?
Personally, I've started over. I'm the type that gets much too stressed and anxious if I have to keep track of everything, including all the numbers and calorie counting and logging, and yes, numbers DO terrify, so today I decided to go back to what feels good and had worked for ME in the past, before I got discouraged and quit, which was MY bad decision. I already know I'm overweight, so no need to confirm it and make myself discouraged or depressed. lol As long as those numbers keep going down on that scale and I know I'm doing my best to eat healthy, I'm happy. No need to stress. The less stressed, the better the outcome. This is not a race. Progress is progress. I'll take what i can get. The idea is to love yourself regardless and enjoy the process, not stress out if the numbers are not what we thought they should have been, like if you wanted to lose three lbs, but only lost one. One is GOOD. It's still going in the right direction, and we need to give our bodies time to adjust to any changes as we go along our journey, at its own comfortable pace. Now, I do have a pedometer. Thought I'd see how that would work and it has motivated me so much. I love it. But I learned real fast, not to overdo, and set myself back weeks! Now, im just going to enjoy the process and not stress. I've got a very long journey, but I'm just going to enjoy each day by knowing I've done, and am doing, my best. I weighed myself today, but won't until I hit June 30th. I just had to get that first figure, so I can see my progress by the end of June. Feels good to know I'm not harming my body with junk food and sweets. I concentrate on just feeling better and doing my best.
MrsZero · 100+, F
😂😂 nope
Not the the bmi in particular.
I watch my weight yes but I try not to weigh too often. It can consume me. No try to eat healthy and go by hiw my clothes are fitting - But pay attention to bmi no
JustNik · 51-55, F
Be careful not to get too hung up by the numbers. The important thing is feeling better. Let yourself feel good about that. You obviously see opportunity for improvement in your diet. You already see the benefits of regular exercise. Just keep going, keep taking those steps and enjoying the rewards. To me, keeping eyes glued to a scale sucks the joy out of it. 🤷‍♀️
HenJoe · 46-50, M
@JustNik Agreed. It also builds unnecessary anxiety, the weight loss journey is tough as it is already
@JustNik You're right. I appreciate the feedback. 😀
@JustNik Oh Nik, you hit the nail on the hear! Right on!! Those are the main things that will get you where you want to go. Feeling better and loving yourself along the way...every day. Bravo!
You may also wish to try Propel. They are very low cost drinks, $1 from the Dollar Store or even Walmart sometimes, and in different flavors, but with less calories. They taste great. I have my favorites. You can experiment and find yours.
i stopped bc i realised ive always been fit and it was paranoia
RubySoo · 56-60, F
No I dont, but if you are awaiting any sort of surgery they may refuse to do it if your BMI is high.
A number of years ago i was told my BMI was very high and it idicated i was obese. The nurses were baffled. They said looking at me, it was hard go see where i could loose more weight from! (id lost over 2stone). Thankfully my surgery went ahead.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
None of my physicians have ever brought it up, and I certainly have not pursued it on my own. I have no idea what my BMI index would be.

But every time I have read anything about the supposed ideal weight for my height, I know that there is NO way that will ever happen!
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
the gym may help shape your body but it won't help much in losing weight. If you're concerned about the bmi, change how you eat. Check out Gina Livy Weight Loss.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
I am doing my best as well. I have cut out eating a lot of sweet stuff including soda.
@Bri89 I don’t consume a lot of soda, but I drink way too much flavored lemonade. I have to leave that stuff alone. I might need a support group. 🤔😄
@DreamyCrush Real lemon or lime juice drink, squeezed and fresh, can help you lose weight. It's ok to put Stevia in it. I use powdered Stevia. It tastes exactly like sugar to me, but without all the carbs and it's natural. Liquid Stevia is bitter and nasty! It really helps curb the frustrating appetite.
HenJoe · 46-50, M
Weighing yourself consistently, using scales to track BMI can add more anxiety; in my opinion.
@HenJoe Duly Noted. Thanks.
Classified · M
I don't really pay attention to numbers, but I'm eating less now to reduce weight. 🤔
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Occasionally. But mostly I just try to keep my weight down. I weigh myself perhaps once a month or less often. According to the NHS UK BMI calculator I am on the upper edge of the healthy weight range. That feels about right to me, I have a bit more belly than I like and I feel happier when I am a little lighter, so I just try to keep my portion sizes down.
Keeper · M
Those charts are only accurate for mannequins.
dsrice · 56-60, M
Mine is extremely obese also 35.2
I do. My BMI is 19.37.
TessDun · 36-40, F
A little bit
kimber14 · 22-25, F
not too much
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Not extremely, I just stick to a regular gym habit and monitor my calories which I find most helpful.
@ravenwind43 That's great. I just can't do it that way. Counting calories makes me very anxious. Haha
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@LadyGrace It's scary but makes you accountable lol. I read package labels much more now.
@ravenwind43 I'm certain it does and that truly is great, but for my own personality, it becomes much too overwhelming. lol I've been there, done that too many times. So....I'm just doing what feels good to me. That way, I know I'll stick with it.
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
No I dont pay any attention the body mass index says im over weight cause I'm so big I'm 6'5 272 pounds but i workout 4 times a week I'm very fit
Mine is 23 and I dont work out at a gym. My hub works out at a gym and his bmi is 31.
So he's trying the keto diet to lose weight and likes it.
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
To an extent. It's not the best measuring tool because I don't think it accounts enough for muscle mass.
Fortunately my GP did. Thus I avoided Type 2 Diabetes.
meJess · F
Body Mishap Index, I’m pretty high up on those
Dewkissedrose · 46-50, F
It’s too high. Other than that, no.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I have Lescale and it tells me everything -weight, bmi, fat % so much more including body age
I do. I constantly make sure that I don't exceed a certain weight.
My coach/training team did when I was playing but not now

[image deleted]
Nah. It's not an accurate metric for people who have a lot of muscle
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@SW-User Exactly!

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