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Do you have any tattoos? Why or why not?

Poll - Total Votes: 55
Yes 🙂
No 😒
Not had any, but want to get one
Maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️
Already have some but..I want to get a new one 😍
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NCCindy · 36-40, F
I personally find them to be trashy !!!
Funlov · M
@OogieBoogie you try to pic a fight I don’t play them games so take it down the road
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HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie Mr. Sensitive blocked me. One more ahole I don't have to worry about.
akindheart · 61-69, F
I do not but i thought briefly having my daughter's birth and death date tattooed on my hip
@akindheart oh right sorry to hear, but yeah good to have as a memory
Funlov · M
@akindheart wow sorry I’d do that all day long but I’m sorry for your loss ❤️
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
@akindheart go for it!
I have 6 and getting more. The biggest piece will be my back. And why? Because each tattoo tells a story of my life. 😁
@Funlov My parents are super conservative, so it kinda goes with the territory. It's funny people think mine are random, but they aren't. Lol. I have one on my calf, and that one hurt the most. The bats on my back didn't even hurt, but the one on my calf sure as hell did. Lol
Funlov · M
@Snowvixen nice thanks for the warning but me the one that hurt the most was when he brought my arm because I’m full sleeved up to half of my chest my armpit that fucking hurt
Funlov · M
@Snowvixen I made you a friend hope that’s ok
I don't. Mostly because I didn't want to go through life with a tattoo I regretted.

My mother was almost 80 when she startled me (putting it mildly) by saying, "It would be silly now, but I always wanted a little rose on my ankle."

I offered to take her and pay for it but she demurred.

She would have had fourteen years to enjoy it.
@Mamapolo2016 I got my first tattoo when I was 20. I’d already left home. I knew my mother thought they were "tacky" so I made sure it was covered whenever I went home. When I was ill and in the hospital in 2008, I had three more. The nurse was caring for me and Mom saw them.
She raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. "I’ve had them for years," I told her. “I know," she replied. "Your sister told me back when she got hers. I still think tattoos are ‘grossier’ but at least yours are pretty."
I've had the kind of cancer twice (2002 & 2021) that required X-ray treatments. In order to line up the machines accurately, they tattoo markers on your body.

None of the tattoos are decorative.
@OogieBoogie Exactly!
@notyouraveragedummy maybe think of them as your own personal constellation🤗✨
@OogieBoogie To be honest, I don't think of them at all.
exexec · 61-69, C
No. I'm an old guy, and tattoos were not socially acceptable among my family and friends when I was young.
Funlov · M
@exexec I see your age your same age as my father I grew up in the military. My father has tattoos on his back both arms. He goes to church every day, so acceptable it’s not right that’s wrong what is acceptable? We’re not to judge anybody in life, if they have tattoos or earrings through their nose it’s a personal preference.
exexec · 61-69, C
@Funlov Note what I said: "not acceptable among my family and friends." That is a true statement. I'm not defending it, just stating a fact.
Funlov · M
@exexec I get you I understand thanks
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Just one. I always wanted to get more but just never had the money to.

Gonna get one soon though if I'm able to. :)
@thepreposterouspanda Nice which one u wanting? And I hope u do get some more
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@PrincessRoarBuddy I think I'm gonna get a ghost of some sort next. 🤔 I dunno, I haven't really put much thought into it but I really wanna get one. More piercings too. 😌
I have never found one that I liked enough.
Funlov · M
@PoetryNEmotion it takes the time but now I understand what you’re saying they’re not everybody’s cup of tea but at least you’re honest and say that some other person said they were trashy that’s just rude. That’s gone everybody that has a tattoo trashy. That’s pretty bad, but I understand what you’re saying.
@Funlov I am saying that if I found one I really liked, I would get it. My son has tattoos. I like men with tattoos. There are artistic tattoos and cheap ones. I don't stereotype people with them. Thanks.
Funlov · M
@PoetryNEmotion yes for sure I get you 👍
Ducky · 31-35, F
I have several. Plan on getting more eventually.
Funlov · M
@Ducky nice 👍
Funlov · M
@Ducky are you gonna turn it into a sleeve or are you just like got tattoos all over the place? What’s your plan?
dsrice · 56-60, M
No, too chicken to get one.
dsrice · 56-60, M
@Funlov Thanks for the information, I am interested at least.
Funlov · M
@dsrice there you go something to think about but think hard it’s a big decision make the right one most of all get what you want to make sure you get what you pay for
dsrice · 56-60, M
@Funlov Yes, for sure. Thank you!
no....if i did get one it would be a homage to my mom and dad
@beermeplease Ah ok yeah, nice
Funlov · M
Yes one full sleeve and one half
@Funlov Ah ok cool, nice
Funlov · M
@PrincessRoarBuddy you must like tattoos or have one or two or thinking about it
I don’t need even more regrets right now
@BeefySenpie little pony didn't work out?😂
@OogieBoogie I don't understand this reference, though as a kid I did have those temporary Dragonballz tattoos
@BeefySenpie ahhh, im just being a smart ass.🤷‍♀️

When did you get yours ? I don't Remember seeing any . But then ....may be i was a tad distracted 😜😂
Mardrae · F
I have 25. It’s like art to me. I used to use it as a type of self harm expression too. When I got really depressed, the first thing I wanted was a tattoo. The pain felt good.
Funlov · M
@Mardrae your the best
Mardrae · F
@Funlov 😂
BlueRain · F
I have two.
Funlov · M
@BlueRain may I ask what
Funlov · M
So for those people that don’t like tattoos I understand that it’s not a big deal but they come on here and call them trash that’s bad cause you’re calling the person trashy so look in the mirror before you say it because I bet you’re in a prize
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Nope, never wanted any -- well except for 4 tiny dots they tattooed on my abdomen as a guide for my beamed radiation treatments 20 years ago.
Funlov · M
@ChipmunkErnie hope all is ok
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@Funlov Yes, 20 years cancer free
Funlov · M
@ChipmunkErnie nice good on you ❤️
Jessmari · 41-45
No. I don't care for the look much.
Funlov · M
@Jessmari no you don’t but you’re gonna comment on some thing and then somebody replies and I see you why you can’t it’s just because you say no I don’t care it doesn’t matter to me makes me laugh
Jessmari · 41-45
@Funlov Enjoy your day.
Funlov · M
@Jessmari always do
AlyAngel · F
I already have a bunch, i want more, they are an addiction and healthy pain release to get
Funlov · M
@AlyAngel your a freak lol I like you thinking 😉
AlyAngel · F
@Funlov why do i have to be a freak?
Funlov · M
@AlyAngel no, it’s just laughing at it not saying you’re a freak I’m full sleeved I’m more than a freak I just like the way you said it
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
I Always wanted them, but now everyone is dripping with them, kinda crapped me out of it
Funlov · M
@SilkandLace2 it’s not about anyone it’s about you not one single one should be the same it’s all about you
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
@Funlov i get that, but what i said earlier, plus my ex, just turned me off to the whole thing, i can't even really explain it any better than that, i might put up a post here soon, this made me think of a tattoo question....
Funlov · M
@SilkandLace2 thanks
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
I have thought about getting a tattoo but could not think of something that I would want to have for the rest of my life.
gummybears · F
Because I wanted one 🤷🏻‍♀️
gummybears · F
@Funlov good for you I guess, but mine is small
Funlov · M
@gummybears don’t see the purpose in a small tattoo, but to each their own
Funlov · M
@gummybears it is good for me. It’s not about having a tattoo where it being hidden. It’s about the artwork and reflecting and showing it not about hiding it
CestManan · 46-50, F
Just two, they are purely for looks and do not represent nor tribute anyone nor anything
No...but ive wanted a particular one for decades.
Thing is , life has bigger priorities in which to put my money .

I love well designed tattoos, I think they look amazing....but too many people get lost in imagery, and dont think of the whole design/placement ....and many end up looking crappy or displaced .

So.....i just draw on myself instead😂
Funlov · M
@OogieBoogie yes I get that but your art work is where you can shine hun it’s good it’s with money really
@Funlov ive been a professional designer...i know what it is to sell a passion .

I also know the price of doing so.

My art is peronal , i do it for the love and fun of it ....not money .
And....its why i still love it instead of hating it.

I appreciate your compliments though. Thankyou.
Funlov · M
@OogieBoogie I get you I understand what you are saying but it’s nice thanks for sharing
WaafaS · 26-30, F
No, I don't care for them.
WaafaS · 26-30, F
@Funlov I don't want to get something, that I will want to remove later.
Funlov · M
@WaafaS you don’t remove them that’s why you put a lot of thought into them
Funlov · M
It’s a commitment like anything else in life you put thought into it. It should be meaning behind the artwork on your arm or your back your leg wherever you put it it’s artwork it’s not a tattoo.
Four. All meaningful, in places clothing can hide them.
Funlov · M
@bijouxbroussard is the south just if you keep going across the bridge there’s a fisherman’s wharf am I right? Am I wrong I could be wrong I’m directionally challenged.
@Funlov Sounds right. I’m used to taking BART. 🙂
Funlov · M
@bijouxbroussard yes I know
LavidaRaq · F
Yes, many and would love to have more
Funlov · M
@LavidaRaq loving you nice 👍
Funlov · M
@ExperienceDLT nice 👍
@Funlov 👍
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I have one. Red lips on my butt.
Ferric67 · M
I have virgin skin
I don't have any.
DDonde · 31-35, M
No, just never had the interest.
Funlov · M
@DDonde yes not for all 👍
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I have one
Bang5luts · M
Dunno 🤷‍♂️
empanadas · 31-35, M
None, I used to think in early 20s if I was ever on the run I don't want to be easily spotted with tattoos. I can dip my fingers in acid to be mess up my fingerprints. I was really thinking of robbing a few banks when I was younger. Thank god I never did. Now I don't see the reason to get tattoos.
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@SW-User That's a lot. Cool thanks for sharing lol

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