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Who do you admire… like as your heroes?

@DrWatson posted something about astronauts that got me to remembering heroes I've known and respected.

Mine are probably unusual people to most and aren’t by any means famous, not in a traditional sense.

They are the pilots of helicopter gunships, medevacs, and close air support fighter pilots.

They truly go where angels fear to tread, and do it again and again with no thought for themselves.

They are my unsung heroes.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
My heroes are seemingly ordinary people who do amazing things any time they put a uniform on.

Or those who spend their time and energy looking after those we don't give a second thought to whether they be in hospital; prison; old folks homes; schools etc.
helenS · 36-40, F
At the moment I admire IDF women and men in Gaza. They risk their lives to find and kill those Hamas butchers. And the "progressive" world cries "genocide"...
helenS · 36-40, F
@MrAverage1965 I assume you refer to the women and children behind which the butchers are hiding?
Ontheroad · M
@MrAverage1965 Really? So, you know the members of the IDF act "With no regard for the women and children who are killed in the process"? I'd suggest you have no idea how soldiers feel when they are ordered into combat, never mind the heart wrenching damage done to their souls by doing what must be done.

Never mind that Hamas did exactly this, continues to do this, and hides behind the women and children, essentially using them as cannon fodder.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Ontheroad Yes – IDF could easily get rid of the whole Gaza/Hamas problem in 60 minutes if they really disregarded the lives of women and children.
Teddy Roosevelt was pretty cool
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
George Carlin
Trent Reznor
Kerry King
James Hetfield
Matt Groening
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Anyone with both an open mind and an open heart. Both are so rare, and growing rarer.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
John Olinger.
bookerdana · M
All people I knew,My parents,two uncles,a man I knew as a neighbor and friend...I guess President Carter
Lilymoon · F
My hubby. Cause he stuck with me and he always has my back . 😋 ♥️
Ontheroad · M
@Lilymoon Always having your back is a biggie, a real biggie... stuck or not.
Lilymoon · F
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
My parents
Two of my dogs whom im pretty sure saved my life once as a kid and once as an adult
My friend Lynn who is the most compassionate human on the planet
Margaret Beaufort (don’t roll your eyes)
Mine are everyday people we see but never really look at :
The supermarket cashier serving the irate gentleman who is asking for everything to be price checked - and she's putting up with his vague insults and attitude ....with complancy and understanding.

The teacher who spends all their lunch with a kid who needs an adult to listen to make them feel worthy .

Bus drivers

Nearly all service people .

Dogs .

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