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I feel guilty for not using cloth diapers

So much waste 馃槬
FreeSpirit151-55, F
Cloth diapers need soap hot water gas or electric to dry... but biodegradable disposables are actually better in my opinion
happymomofandrew41-45, F
@FreeSpirit1 do you use biodegradable disposables? Or from where do you know them
FreeSpirit151-55, F
@happymomofandrew just from reading, I don't have any infants
happymomofandrew41-45, F
@FreeSpirit1 i see, thank you
ineedadrink51-55, M
As I understand it, your kid will be more comfortable & less unhappy with disposable. You can make up for it in other ways.
Imagine having to clean up a blowout 馃あ
Notsimilarreally31-35, F
@SW-User poopies!! Poopies everywhere
@Notsimilarreally much worse with a clothe diaper.. rougher on the baby too
I used cloth diapers for my baby boy. I was given one month of free diaper service, and I didn't want to add to the landfills. I had "soak hampers" filled with water, Dreft laundry detergent, and 20 Mule Team Borax to prevent stains, and then used the Dreft and the 20 Mule Team Borax again for the wash.

That soak water got pretty stinky, and you can't imagine how disgusting it is dipping diapers in the toilet after the baby does a poo.

Fortunately, the soak hampers had a screw off deodorant cake receptacle at the top, otherwise...they would have stunk up the entire house.

Another drawback of cloth diapers, is that you have to use plastic pants over them, and they ALWAYS leaked right at the edge of the legs.
Primnproper56-60, F
Don鈥檛, disposable are much better at protecting their skin..and most parents are working nowadays so when would you have the time to wash, hang and dry them all.
Cloth diapers are a lot of work and very messy. We did cloth diapers with my oldest because my wife was at home full time.
HumanEarth56-60, F
Plus and disposable is expensive to.

All my kids were started out on cloth, unless on a trip
Reason1061-69, M
Cloth diapers do not protect the skin of an infant too well. And the detergent it takes to clean them probably is not too healthy for baby skin, either.
Don't feel guilty. You're giving your baby the best. That's all any parent has to do.
Plasticbag100+, M
Nope 馃
You shouldn't... you have enough headaches in your life
Notsimilarreally31-35, F
@sstronaut truth, if life was a little more calm id totally be doing it.
Jenny123451-55, F
I used cloth diapers with my first baby. They take a lot of extra work with soaking , washing drying. She didn鈥檛 go to daycare so cloth diapers worked out well. I didn鈥檛 use them for my other kids because I didn鈥檛 have the time to put the extra effort into the diapers with working full time and I didn鈥檛 want to burden their daycare providers with cloth diapers.
Allelse36-40, M
Been using gladwrap again?
Ease and convenient. No fault there.馃馃馃憤
In hot, steamy S FL we really tried, but even with a Service it was disgustingly bug city...
Life is short,yer doing the best you can,and thats fine馃挭
iamonfire69641-45, F
Don鈥檛 feel bad. If my kids exploded really bad in their outfits I would throw them away sometimes 馃檭. Don鈥檛 feel bad for using disposable diapers, I could never 馃槀.

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