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It never feels good at the moment but looking back you will understand. Never lose trust in your parents

hunkalove · 61-69, M
My parents were horrible people. My mother was seriously mentally-ill and my father was the worst human being I've ever known. He made my childhood a living Hell. I learned at a very young age never to trust them.
Morgann18 · 18-21, F
Although I realize this isn't the case for everyone, I'm fortunate in that I have wonderful parents who I love and trust. Yes, they've been strict with me at times. And yes, this has included me getting spanked as recently as four months ago. But I can honestly say that even though I have never gotten a spanking that I've liked, I've also never gotten one that I didn't deserve.
My parents were some of the most irresponsible, half-baked children you'd ever meet. My mom let me dictate when she was too drunk to leave the house by the time I was 8. She's on like her 4th husband. All of them abusive. My biodad.. gawd. I did more parenting than both of them combined.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I lost that long ago. They are not reliable people.
I was lucky; my parents were trustworthy. And now I'm doing my best to be a trustworthy parent.

Not everyone is trustworthy though. Parents are people and there are plenty of untrustworthy people out there.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
🤔 Depends on the patents I suppose
InHeaven · F
Didn’t work for me
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Mum's a Narcissistic C#nt of epic proportions and Dad never cared about his kids until we were old enough to mooch off of. So I kind of can't see your point of view.
In the best cases, this is good advice.
I was very lucky in that I could trust my parents. Unfortunately, people who aren’t trustworthy sometimes still have children, and it doesn’t change them.
My Dad's death is because of my mother's lies, I had to grow up fast after he died when I was ten.
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