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What would you if you won a huge lottery jackpot?

Let's say that you won a HUGE lottery jackpot,let's say $400 million USD after all of the fees and taxes were paid.Exactly what would you do if your money and how would it change your life?No frivolous or silly answers please;I want an honest and realistic response.
meggie · F
I'd buy a cottage by the sea with some land. Have a few rescue animals, a lovely garden and help out.a few people.
ArtieKat · M
help out.a few people.
Please don't forget me!!! I'll do the same for you 🤗
meggie · F
@ArtieKat I'll buy you a yatcht to sail over the Mersea
Iwillwait · M
I would seek Financial Advice for Tax strategies, most likely accept the winnings in Trust or 501c3, set up multiple foundations that are heavily invested, with about 30% into Medium to High-risk investment vehicles, the rest in other diversified areas such as Real Estate/RIT Inveatments with a scheduled pay-out to be administered to various Churches, Charities and Philanthropic benefits to raise more money for other causes.
Iwillwait · M
@DavidT8899 I totally agree and would most likely interview two or three entities before making my decision. (Same for Attorneys)

Honestly I would probably start with who is managing our Church's portfolio first.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Iwillwait Well,they do have independent agencies who rate those kind of firms.Or you could hire your own investigator.Things to look for:total amount of assets the firm handles;number of consumer complaints filed against the firm;and,length of time the firm had been in business.
Iwillwait · M
@DavidT8899 Thank you, all great points to consider.

Now... let's see what happens. 😊
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Fix the buildings in my daughter's school and build them a decent indoor swimming pool. Buy some property near the care home where she used to live so more neglected children can be looked after. Invest the remainder in my company's trust for affordable rented housing.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
No taxes in Australia

Purchase a large house for my youngest daughter

Pay out oldest daughter mortgage, and give her money to purchase a new home

Put $10 million each for my grandkids in a trust account until they are 18
smiler2012 · 56-60
@nedkelly 🤔hire an assassin ned for mrs smiler lol
Richard65 · M
Tax? In the UK, you don't pay any tax on lottery winnings, whether it's the normal lottery, scratch cards or even Euromillions. Legally classed as gambling, any profits (a win) you make from buying a lottery a ticket are exempt from tax, so the full amount you win is the amount paid to you.

If I won, I'd make sure family were financially secure, donate some to charity, then build myself a studio and make artworks.
@Richard65 The US is greedy, they want their cut.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@NativePortlander1970 Ironic really given that the country was founded on tax evasion.
sladejr · 56-60, M
@GeniUs 🙄
Give lots to children, animal, cancer charities. Give lots to my family. A few creature comforts for me.

And something I heard years back about a man doing, which is to sponsor first grade classes, as many as possible, with the agreement that if the child maintains an average of B or above all through high school, I would pay for their college education.
Iwillwait · M
@OlderSometimesWiser That is incredible!
@Iwillwait What that man did really touched me deeply, I’ll never forget it. Hands-on, no BS, put your money where your mouth is, making a difference in children’s lives.
Iwillwait · M
@OlderSometimesWiser This is truly inspiring.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
In the U.S. your initial liability on a lottery win is about 25%.
After that your remaining balance is subject to the individual tax laws depending on what State you're in.

So you may pay an initial tax and then a different rate depending on where you decide to put it.
And some banks are likely to charge you for making it accessible through them.

This will also put you personally in a higher rate tax bracket for income tax.

And all advice costs.
Tax specialists.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’d get divorced
I’d buy homes for all my kids and nephews and give them lots of money
I’d do a lot for poor people and animals
I’d go live and volunteer at a sloth sanctuary
I’d invest the rest
sladejr · 56-60, M

sloth sanctuary

Isn't that SW?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Fairydust · F
Give a lot away.
Fairydust · F
@DavidT8899 love travelling. 🧳 maybe spend a year or two doing it 😎
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Fairydust Where would you go?
Fairydust · F
@DavidT8899 all over lol 😂 safe places only.
KittyKat121 · 26-30, F
I'd travel, see places I've always wanted to see, get into hobbies and things I've always wanted to learn and do, share with those who've been good to me all my life, share with those who need medical assistance, save some, invest in a few things, splurge a bit on stuff I like that I never could have enjoyed without the abundance of cash, etc etc 😅
To be honest, there's just so much that can be done with all that 🤭🤭
ididntknow · 51-55, M
I would enjoy the money. Cruises 🚢 holidays, etc, put the money in a low tax place, maybe jersey, probably go and live there, help out family, friends, so they never had any money worries, I’d do random acts of kindness, using the money, for people I thought were deserving, I’d make sure that the money changed my families life forever, not just for the short term, no money to charity,
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Take my vengeance on whatever was holding me down this whole time!
Vanish like a hot fart in a summer breeze
Shaveit · 61-69, M
I would disappear like a wisp of smoke in the wind, and it would be like I never existed. I would never have a permanent address again.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Shaveit But you would have to live somewhere.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@DavidT8899 You never heard the song lyrics…
l Live in hotels, tear out the walls
I have accountants pay for it all
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@Shaveit Who was that from?
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
move to the coast somewhere nice in cornwall, get a big old house and save the rest of my fortune, but alas, is just a dream.
Pay off all my bills put the majority in savings account in bank give some to charity shriners hospitals, and to help animals
PleasurePunch · 100+
I wouldn't.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@PleasurePunch Ok,that's fair enough.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@PleasurePunch And FYI:just asking a question is nothing to get angry about.
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Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
Invest, buy houses for my closest friends, travel the world
Disappear as soon as I possibly was able.🏃🏾‍♀️
Lilyb · 22-25, F
Share with family and friends
An Oregon beachside cabin, not too fancy, and a yacht that's at least 65 feet in length with at least a main state room and three guest staterooms, to be used for traveling up and down the Pacific, marina slips in every major port paid for so I wouldn't have to reserve one ahead of time, a vehicle in storage always gassed up and ready to drive.

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