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Dreams Dreams and Dreams

Anyone act out your dreams while sleeping. If so, do you remember them. I do from time to time and my dog goes running. Lol
Fairydust · F
If I’m falling I can feel myself jump and wake myself up.

When I was younger my Gran said I slept walked into her room and just stood at the end of her bed.
@Fairydust On days I'm struggling to stay awake, I do that a thousand times over. Leaves me unsettled for quite some time even if it's once.😵 How about you, sweet Fairy?
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
I had a dream my bf was cheating and woke us both up trying to smack him in my sleep. It was hilarious.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@Notsimilarreally also right after I had the baby and was like never sleeping, I woke up with a bunch of oatmeal packets next to me, I have no recollection of getting them. I have a history of sleep eating lol.
@Notsimilarreally I am sure he was happy to be woke up like that. 🤣🤣🤣

I never have food in the bed when I wake up from dreams.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Never acted it out or sleep walked .. yet .. that i know of 😅
4meAndyou · F
Every once in a while I talk while I am dreaming. I know this because the garbled sound of my own slurry voice usually wakes me up. 🤭
@4meAndyou last night I was at a baseball game in my dreams and a ball was hit near me. I was catching that ball over my head and smack my hand right into the headboard. lol.
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
I used to sleep walk. I was told I answered the phone and unlocked the door for a visitor who told me they were visiting. The person who called confirmed that I did in fact talk to him. That was the last time I know of doing anything like that.
My dog has dreams and tries to bark while asleep, but it just comes out as a whimper.
I so wish I could lucid dream.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
They say I do.

But… I live alone.

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