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For anyone living in Europe, have you had to deal with those stop oil protestors?

So I watch YouTube shorts, and every now and then I come across videos of these, stop oil, protestors. They block the roads, and I see police, even motorists get out of the vehicles to pull these people off to the side of the road, as again, they're blocking traffic. It looks like a very frustrating situation.

I saw one video where a 24 year old woman was at a petrol station hitting the pump with what looked like an orange hammer. And in the comments on YouTube, people were saying about how these protestors don't realize the stuff the protestors are using and wearing was also made with oil.

Anyway, hopefully you're not dealing with it but if you are, the situation looks bad, and I hope you won't have to deal with it for too much longer.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
I have immense sympathy with their cause and to a certain extent support them (we can all manage at the very, very least to live a little bit more consciously about our impact on the world around us, and that even applies to people who think the idea of human-incuded climate change to be a complete hoax).

On the other than it's extremely easy to point out a problem when it's not your job actually to suggest a solution that can be realistically implemented..
twiigss · M
@Persephonee I agree that we all should live more consciously about the impact we have on Earth. I am totally on board with that. I'm just hesitant when hard working people need to get to work, and protestors are sitting in the roadway blocking those people from getting to work.

I will also agree that it is very easy to point out problems, rather than find solutions. The only solution I've heard thus far is to go to all electric vehicles. There are a number of problems with that solution in the here and now. At least in the US, there's a massive lack of charging stations, and the charging is so slow it's more in cost currently to use an all electric vehicle.

My solution is to use electric bicycles, with something of a smaller scale motor that could go at least 40mph that has a fiberglass body protecting the rider, completely enclosed like a car body, with full headlights and some sort of windshield if possible. My thought is, would a smaller motor and smaller battery be less time for a charge?

But other than telling people you cannot drive a gasoline and diesel powered vehicle. and you cannot use any other motorized device that uses gasoline or diesel, is impossible. So I'm not entirely sure if there are other solutions.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I support them.
carpediem · 61-69, M
They should be arrested. I’m all for protesting. They can protest all they want. But stop interrupting the lives of others and destroying property. Freaking nut jobs. Definitely NOT helping their cause.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It is all part of living in a vibrant and healthy democracy where many voices have the right to be heard 🙂

As for inconvenience . . their tactics can seem a bit clown-like at times, but they cause far less disruption and stress than 'regular' motorists making unnecessary short journeys and wasting hours sitting in traffic jams amidst clouds of toxic emissions.
@SunshineGirl I think you live in a different country to me.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@sunriselover Same country, different perspective perhaps.
@SunshineGirl Yes, it’s because I chose to work amongst the underclass that I see a different perspective.

Do I see the vibrancy and creativity in the faded elegance of my Decimus Burton town, or do I see what lurks before the surface.

The same could be true if anywhere.
Living without plastic is going to be interesting. No bitumen on the road or kevlar. No fibre optic cables. No endoscopy.

We also have priceless works of Art being destroyed by protesters.

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