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What are your observations on global warming?

Trees! The secret to beginning to reverse the decay is to plant trees!
There are many solutions which could be put in place now and over the next twelve years.

1. Solar thermal is already a proven technology for providing reliable, renewable, cost effective power on an industrial scale. It works in all areas of sunshine, and one large plant can power a major manufacturing metropolis. The US already has 18, all doing an excellent job, but could have many more.

2. Cold, overcast countries do best with wind-power from generator fields planted off the coast on the continental shelf. Denmark and Norway already produce more than they need and generate income by exporting to Europe.

3. Long distance wiring can overcome variations in weather with renewables, alongside massive improvements in batteries in size, durability and recyclability. Batteries made of salt are not far away and costs will soon be within reach for everyone.

4. Solar voltaics on rooftops work even better when multiple communities share their loads.

5. Electric cars pay for themselves (including cost of materials and manufacture) within six years from price when new if powered by solar and battery from the household roof. Current range is 300 k's on one charge for a Nissan Leaf and improving all the time. Cost of maintenance is far lower due to greatly reduced moving parts and mechanical wear. Tesla will soon bring out a pick-up truck, including a 4WD version, which has more torque than current fuel-driven versions, and at an affordable price. Electric vehicles are now being designed to fill every niche.

6. Reducing consumption of power around the home via efficient smart metres, better appliances, and better insulation, architectural design and retrofitting of old houses massively reduces unnecessary power expenses.

7. Most Westerners would be far healthier if they reduced their protein consumption to the volume of the palm of one hand per day - less strain on kidneys. Reducing consumption of meat reduced the number of animals pouring methane into the atmosphere. Domestic livestock (ruminants) account for 25% of global greenhouse gases; this is because methane (CH4 - the gas in a fart) is 20 times more potent than CO2 in its greenhouse effect. (Although not a greenhouse issue -it is now preferable to eat far less ocean fish due to the presence of nanoplastics and as yet unknown effects on human health.) The less land used for meat production, the more is available for agriculture, which produces 14 times more plant foods per acre.

8. Recyclable papers and plastics should be made from bamboo or hemp. These grow quickly and economically, produce as good or better products, and thus avoid the need for cutting forests for pulp mills. Certain types of bamboo when cured are stronger than steel for rio in concrete: hemp pulp is stronger than blue metal in concrete. Maintaining existing forests and regrowing lost ones would go along way to absorbing and sequestering CO2 out of the atmosphere.

9. A global cessation of new mining of fossil fuels, combined with a universal carbon-price or carbon-tax. If taxed, the tax is globally the same everywhere, and used to fund further research into renewables.

10. Systems in place to ensure priorities and ease of practise for minimisation of power consumption: reduce, re-use, and re-cycle.

It's do-able. It creates new millions of new jobs everywhere. And it's cost effective.
Some fossil fuel industries will hurt, but not as many as people imagine, because these same companies already have huge investments in renewables. 90% of the jobs in coal have already gone due to mechanisation and computerisation of the machines. The transition will hurt far less than the agrarian, industrial and computer revolutions - and would start producing greater benefits for all immediately. We see this in the countries who have been early adopters of the technologies.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I saw a penguin buying a mini fridge in walmart last week
tenente · 100+, M
@GerOttman best comment 🤣
Eternity · 26-30, M
There are more trees now than ever before.

Reconstructing the rainforest and ending its deforestation would help a lot more

Also relying more on renewable energy sources (solar,wind,water,etc)

And curbing the amount of humans and cattle we generate more of every year.

Millions of people know what needs to be done. It isnt rocket science. It's just the powers that be stand to lose money and power if the status quo were to change and so they resist it at every turn; enlisting the aid of the millions more of those that kneel at the feet of the aristocracy (im looking at you right wingers) in the hopes that the wealth will trickle down one day (it wont).

So until the world order changes shit will just keep heating up I'm afraid. And by the time we do change it may even be too late to do any good 🤷🏽‍♂️.
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Eternity · 26-30, M
@SW-User no its strange fact. Google it.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
That's a lovely thought and yes it's good to plant trees, but I suspect that we could never plant enough to reverse the damage.. I think it's too massive and huge tracts of land would be needed to be planted.. and that's unlikely to happen.. so it's likely to not be enough
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tenente · 100+, M
@SW-User the youngs-uns gather. their army grows 😱 they are legion!!!
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Ynotisay · M
Yes and no. There's actually some negative impacts associated with planting massive amount of trees. It's definitely a component though. Unfortunately, in areas dealing with extreme drought, there's like a 25% survival rate for new trees. The "secret" is to end fossil fuel dependence and clear cutting. And there's very powerful forces out there that don't want to see that happen.
Platinum · M
It don't really exist, climate change has been happening forever...
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Maybe you can persuade the Brazilian government that they are cutting down trees at their fastest ever rate.I think you are in at least part right.We need to find the secret to building fusion reactors too.Free energy when that is done and stop burning fossil fuels.
Ynotisay · M
@tallpowerhouseblonde You're right. And it's not just Brazil. Indonesia and Malaysia are getting ripped apart. Mostly due to illegal palm oil. It's a tragedy what's happening in other parts of the world.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
What's amusing - science/politics aside - is do you know how much waste has been generated w/CV19? Masks, Sanitizer bottles, medical waste from hospitals?.....that all factors in right?....I'm surprised noone from the GW camp has chimed in about it!....
Trees are like a soothing balm, yesssss more trees!!!
RainontheMoon · 51-55, F
I would say - wear something light.
tenente · 100+, M
Review of global warming: people are mean. parking is expensive. bugs bite frequently and without warning. not enough pizza. 0/5 would not recommend

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