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End of the world

Could a solar flair wipe us out
Ontheroad · M
History and science says no. There has never been a solar flare that had any significant impact on living creatures, including man. There is also no science that predicts any in the future that would - too many things would have to be in perfect alignment for even the largest of solar flares to kill off life on earth. Damage satellites, GPS, communications and some parts of the power grids around the world? Yes, but not enough to cause any significant and long-term damage.

It's great for SyFy books and movies, but it's nothing to worry about.
I’ve got bigger things to worry about
Fluffybull · F
@Ghostinthemachine Same here 👍
@Fluffybull with my luck, someone would dodge it and it would hit me 🤣
Smokey · 46-50, M
Not before the Russians or meth
Another invisible boogie man.
funny how said solar flares only effect Elons satellites…
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@bleach it’s ok. I’m almost certain the inevitable new solar flare tax will fix it 👍
And the Gravity Tax. @TheOneyouwerewarnedabout
ArishMell · 70-79, M

A solar flare is an outburst of charged particles and plasma from the Sun (or any similar start, presumably).

They can, rarely, be powerful enough to damage telecommunications and possibly electricity distribution systems not sufficiently protected against them.

However, there is no evidence for any mass extinction ever to have been triggered by a solar flare.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@stratosranger No, it does not take much to destroy semiconductors at all, but I would hope the various utility and services organisations are aware of the hazard and protect the key parts of their systems appropriately.

You've made me think of one aspect of any armageddon-like possibility. This is that the more technically "sophisticated" we are, the less likely we are to survive and recover from whatever happens.

In 1999 there was widespread panic that all computers would crash because someone had the idea that their internal clocks would all stop at midnight on 31st December. They didn't, of course, but it raised the simple question, "All right, suppose they do? How did we manage only 30 years previously when it would have been just inconvenient?"

It seems we want to make everything,technical and administrative, as complicated as possible; forgetting that the more complicated it is the more fragile it is, and the harder it is to protect it against whatever hazard might pose the highest risks. One effect is we lose the skills and means to do the same things more simply if necessary, compounding the hazard.
@ArishMell Yes. We are held together by the most delicate of gossamer strands. Utilities have a plan in place should a powerful CME come our way and that is to shut down the grid prior to it’s arrival. We can fortunately see these things coming days in advance. But how will it still affect the grid? The 1859 telegraph operators in some cases had disconnected their batteries only to find there was so much charge in the lines they could still communicate with one another. 🥺
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@stratosranger It's not only as delicate as a spider's web. It also uses a colossal amount of electricity, with cyber-currency among the biggest culprits, and we surely can't go on like that.

I read that about the telegraphs still working with the induced electricity - a curious and very unexpected result. The wires and relays used at the time would have withstood it but as you pointed out, modern electronics would not unless very carefully protected.


The electricity supply here in Britain was State-owned but sold off in the 1980s - 1890s to a rag-tag assortment of commercial companies, mostly foreign-owned: one. EDF, is actually owned state-owned - by France! However, they are middle-men. The distribution system and I think generating-stations are still UK State-owned, by National Grid. (Many Britons, including me who used to support "private ownership", think it should all have stayed UK-State owned.)

I don't know how it would respond to severe solar flares, but the national grid as such is physically very robust with a lot of protective circuit-breakers, alternative routes, etc. It also has exchange-trading connections by submarine cables with the European continent. I think it would stand up to induced currents but the problem would be preventing those from feeding back into the alternators, or downstream into users' equipment. If the induced current is d.c. it won't go through a transformer, but the initial transient, spikes and ripples might.

Most of the UK's telephone system (including broadband services) uses buried cables, though with wires on poles for local distribution and in rural areas. I don't know how well burial protects the signal wires themselves from solar radiation, but it must help by the ground itself acting as a Faraday Shield.

The network, especially between town and as far as many of the local distribution points in town streets, is becoming mainly fibre-optical, replacing the copper wires, so presumably immune from induced currents and magnetic fields. We need hope the exchange equipment is safe, of course.

BT (British Telecommunications) aims to move entirely to fibre right to the premises - this will take some years and does bring a problem of its own, that the domestic telephone will need its own domestic power-supply, instead of being exchange-supplied. So it will not be safe from power-cuts without an auxiliary battery. Luckily power-cuts in any particular area are not very common and are usually fairly short-lived, although last Winter three severe storms left many homes in some parts of Britain without electricity for several days. (Part of the delay was the repairers also faced with blocked roads, in rural areas.)

In one of those cut-off villages, a resident with a land-line 'phone became the emergency contact with the outside world for neighbours who had replaced theirs with portable 'phones they could not recharge!
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Undoubtably. A star going nova in our neighborhood would too. But the odds are slim, especially compared to what we might do to ourselves at some point.
Gusman · 61-69, M
Most certainly could.
A very large one will cook all of us. Even if not instantly all communications, electronics, crops will be destroyed.
Setting any survivors back 500 years.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Yes, but fairly improbable in any given person's lifetime. I've got other worries that are way ahead of that one.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
I don't think it could but it Can mess up a hell of a lot of modern tech that could send the world into chaos
Fluffybull · F
Well, as long as it does it instantaneously, there are worse ways to go 🤷
it can affect some satellites we depend on, but wipe us out? Na man
Foxes · F
It is highly unlikely.
Rickg · 31-35, M
I’m pretty sure if people couldn’t turn in there phones and order Uber eats it would kill off about 90 percent of the population
At least in first world countries

Honestly I wouldn’t mind too much
Look up The Carrington Event 1859 and draw your own conclusions
take us back to the stone age. almost.. grin
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I think something needs to wipe out the human race and replace us with something that looks after the planet better.

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