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Why do humans feel the urge to sleep on the floor when they are sick?

Maybe it's just me.
This is a fine question!
when Im super sick I end up on the floor somewhere, but I think it might be that its because its cooler than the bed.
caPnAhab26-30, M
@nonsensiclesnail possibly. Or because the floor is always closer than a bed or couch
TheRascallyOne31-35, M
You keep doing those drugs you're going to wind up like @MethDozer
@TheRascallyOne What happened to MethDozer?
TheRascallyOne31-35, M
@Iwillwait Oh nothing the running joke is that he's a methuser
cherokeepatti61-69, F
It beats rolling over and falling out of bed and I鈥檝e done that twice already.
caPnAhab26-30, M
@cherokeepatti it sure does.. gosh
cherokeepatti61-69, F
@caPnAhab I hit the step stool next to my bed with my shoulder blade the last time. I used it to put a glass of water on and hardly any of the water shook out the glass. I have no idea how that happened.
Dependssss if your throwin up you dont wana be on your back
caPnAhab26-30, M
@TryingtoLava ah yes certainly not!
are you feeling sick?
caPnAhab26-30, M
@AliceinWonderland I was. Thankfully it passed over night
iamonfire69641-45, F
Sorry you鈥檙e not feeling well. Not me, I want my bed. Feel better soon
iamonfire69641-45, F
@caPnAhab Glad you鈥檙e better. If I got on the floor I wouldn鈥檛 be getting up thanks to arthritis lol.
caPnAhab26-30, M
you'll get back up again.
This earworms been in my head for a bit
iamonfire69641-45, F
@caPnAhab Oh no, I wouldn鈥檛 unfortunately, I have a partially dislocated right knee, damaged deltoid ligament in my left ankle, bursitis in both hips and left shoulder, my right shouldn鈥檛 isn鈥檛 strong enough yet from my rotator cuff repair. Among other issues so I wouldn鈥檛 be able too. Thank you for the sentiment though 馃┓
LordShadowfire100+, M
Depends on what you mean by sick. I remember one time I OD'd on weed butter. I slept on the bathroom floor between puking sessions.

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