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People that got the vaccine do you regret it yet?

The vaccine was a bio weapon and I knew it from the beginning and still happily unvaccinated.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Yes, it gave me homosexual thoughts and urges
calicuz · 51-55, M
deadgerbil · 22-25
@calicuz *spins off into the void

GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
No regrets
No side effects
No Covid
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Nope. I'm sure it helped save my life because I had Covid twice and it wasn't as severe as it was for my unvaxxed friends who had it. I never needed a hospital or struggled to breathe.
@DearAmbellina2113 I lost a total of four unvaccinated loved ones to the virus. None of us who were vaccinated even suffered serious side effects.
pdockal · 56-60, M

It affected everybody differently
I know people who got it with no symptoms and people who died from it
Don't know anybody who didn't get it that died
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
It certainly is not a vaccine and it certainly didn't prevent anyone from getting the disease. In fact I saw a study out the other day showing that the more vaxes you have the more likely you are to get the disease. While I don't know anyone who died from the disease I know 8 people who died from the vax. Then there are the vax injured I know. One guy lost part of his colon (blood clots) one guy had adenopathy (swelling in the neck) one woman had shingles, one woman has ongoing neuropathy. (she can't feel her toes or ears). One guy had Bells palsy. Three guys had heart attacks, One woman had her heart stop three times on the way to the hospital. One guy has myocarditis. One has brain cancer. Nove of them were sick before the vax. All of them have had life altering/ending events from the vax.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Blah blah blah oh look the Darwin Award winner is blathering again. Maybe you should go read another study or three. It may help you pass the time until your Darwin arrives. Time is growing short.
@hippyjoe1955 says
There was a study done of the Amish ...
And @hippyjoe1955 says
I don't rely on studies.

You like to quote studies you can't produce,
and you like to make untestable claims.

Your "superpower" is lies! Links and data are kryptonite to you, LOL!!!

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Yawn. Are still here?
not at all, I was alerted to the disease before most, got an epidemiologist in the family
zoonotic infections happen all the time, across history
it is NO perfect preventative, but the bost to your immune system data does work

I understand your concerns, for each piece of real data,,
there are 50 more with an agenda
this one? get you scared for political power
Fairydust · F
💯 It’s Genocide, many have been fooled.

I’ve never trusted the medical world for years.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Fairydust he got in because he was the only option
Fairydust · F

Exactly, people think they get a choice but they don’t.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Fairydust the system has maintained control over people since the days of the industrial revolution. It's just gotten more subtle
revenant · F
I was forced to take it in order to take international flights so it was kind of like russian roulette. I did not want to take it.
Got cavernoma in the brain after 2 astra zeneca shots and ended up in hospital without any prior events.
A rise in excess mortalities continues on globally in the wake of the pandemic ranging from immune deficiencies to a host of cardiac related deaths. And yet there are no ongoing investigations being conducted by WHO or the CDC. 🤔
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SW-User friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. Many of whom were in good health prior to getting vaccine/boosters

just because it's not posted all over the internet, or the communist news network didn't report on it doesn't mean it didn't happen...
@wildbill83 OK, well the thing is, I have many friends, family members, colleagues and acquantainces too and NONE of them have had anything worse than a mild fever or a sore arm. My parents are in their 80s and they have had 7 boosters each. Still going strong. So.. it's not happening, sorry.

Oh wait sorry, my friend who was 28 did die. But then, he refused to take the vaccine, caught covid and died less than 2 weeks later.
@wildbill83 No evidence whatsoever 🙄 Yup. Sounds like your talking to another bot/lemming/sheep….pick your label they’re all the same.
There are dozens more
RedBaron · M
Don’t regret it, and I think those who didn’t get it are selfish idiots.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Guitarman123 Yeah you have. You are a religious fanatic. Your god is Marx.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 I'm an athiest who wants his corner of the world to be more just and fair.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Guitarman123 There is no such thing as an atheist. We all have something we worship. You worship Marx.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I am grateful I chose not to get it. I feel bad for those who had to choose between their livelihoods and their freedom to choose. In America, that should never have been a choice people had to make. The government should never have been able to mandate an experimental and untried substance😡
Kypro · 51-55, M
@pdockal nothing is perfect. Risk is based on %. They deal with millions of drugs and some turn out unsafe. But Covid killed a million Americans and vaccines many fewer.
pdockal · 56-60, M

You'll spin anything to fit your narrative
You'll blindly follow what the government tells you

I'm done talking to a wall
Good luck
Kypro · 51-55, M
@pdockal the truth hurts I guess. Ask Fox News
revenant · F
It is not a vaccine if you can still transmit and get covid. If it were a real vaccine you would not have to worry and still wear masks, it just does not make any sense.
People I know still got Covid after all after 3 or 4 jabs !

Nobody who was young , healthy and NOT in hospital died of Covid.
@revenant Yep. All they do is move the goal posts to cover up their misdeeds and further their agenda. Funny how the “intelligent” people who know better berate you for questioning rhetoric that doesn’t add up. I’m sure lemmings do the same to their comrades who refuse to join the rush off the cliff edge.
revenant · F
@stratosranger That is because their ideology is far more important than trying to get to the truth of the matter...
@revenant Yup. People who think they are intelligent never question and only berate those who do. All the while they fail to understand that questions are the very foundation of knowledge. But that’s how stupid they are.
Kypro · 51-55, M
It kept me and my family alive. Good luck
My car’s Bluetooth went out right after I was vaccinated, so clearly the vaccine caused that.
elafina · 36-40, F
I didn't get vaccinated and I am not regretting it. I've been hospitalised in the past for pneumonia and some tried to scare me that I belong to the sensitive group. I wasn't scared. I got covid once that I was diagnosed and once more that I was isolated already for my own purposes, and I didn't get tested but it felt similar. Both times I experienced a heavy flu. I rested and healed back, like I would do from any kind of flu.
I managed to get all the way into China now without a vaccine.
But as I've said again in the past, it's not that I suddenly developed an opinion towards a vaccine. It's years of lifestyle choices.
When I have a headache, I drink water, massage my head and rest. When I have gut ache I fast and slow down. I mean I am finding natural and old ways to fight of diseases, leaving it mostly on my body's natural ability to heal and trusting that. I've put my health as a priority, what I eat, to get enough rest, air, water, sun, to exercise and be aware of my thoughts and choices, as much as I can every period of life. I wasn't educated regarding these things, I had to figure out by myself. I continue on the naturopathic path, I'm interested in the traditional healing ways. And my life keeps on getting better...
4meAndyou · F
I regret it. I could have self isolated and gotten through it. Unfortunately, the shots worsened my allergies to the point where I got pneumonia, had to sleep sitting up for months, and then developed asthma. At this point, (because it's spring), I can't go outside without a mask. So for me...it's like Covid time all over again.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
you are chancing it , this Virus is Real and can have long term effects , i have my 2 primaries Pfizer and thinking about the Booster shot but Pfizer again cause i don't wanna mix em with Moderna or whatever else is out there
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 Since you are not very scientific as is obvious by your lack of research may I suggest you look up Dr John Campbell on Youtube. If you go back to original posts he was very frightened of covid and when the vax came out was very pro vax. He based that on the science available at the time. It is very interesting how he has evolved in his thinking and the science that he presents. Not too long ago I happened on one of his podcasts where he said he regrets getting the vax. He has done a complete 180 in his beliefs. There are a ton of studies showing the vaxes are deadly.
RedBaron · M
@FurryFace I had the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine followed by three Pfizer boosters, and I’m fine.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron I had covid and I am fine too. It was a very mild cold. No need for any vax.
Kypro · 51-55, M
Medicine is a way to reduce risk. You can not take it but have a higher risk of getting sick or take it and lower the risk. No one is trying to poison anyone or we’d all be dead.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Kypro Because you refuse to look at the more recent data proves only that you have a closed mind and are anti science. Have a nice Darwin Award.
Kypro · 51-55, M
@hippyjoe1955 you’re describing yourself
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Kypro Actually the data I have been following is very recent. I was sort of neutral towards the vax until family who were vaxed died suddenly and unexpectedly. That is when my opinion became much more defined,
Zero regrets. The vaccine saved over ONE MILLION lives in the US in 2021 alone.

@hippyjoe1955 says
If you haven't been keeping up with the most recent data you are severely out of date.

I don't need the "latest data," because
the vaccines have ALREADY saved over ONE MILLION lives.

Here's the math behind the ONE MILLION SAVED number.

The data https://similarworlds.com/disease-illness/vaccines/4268857-Covid-Vaccine-effectiveness-data-from-the-US-2021 says 80% of US Covid deaths came from the 25% unvaxxed. Unvaxxed population = 83 million; vaxxed = 249 million. CDC estimate for US Covid deaths in 2021 is 460,000, so 368,000 deaths among the unvaxxed and 92,000 among the vaxxed - your basic pandemic of the unvaccinated.

That works out to a 0.44% death rate among unvaxxed, and a 0.037% death rate among the vaccinated. Please, get out your calculator and check my work!

If the death rate among vaxxed were equal to the death rate among the unvaxxed, that would have resulted in 1.1 million deaths instead of 92 thousand in 2021. Thus the vaccines have ALREADY saved OVER ONE MILLION lives in 2021 alone. That's a YUGE vaccine benefit!!!

And that's just deaths. In 2021, the vaccinated also benefit from a 5X lower infection rate, at least a 5X lower hospitalization rate, and a 5X lower 'long Covid' rate.


OK, dippyjoe, I'le bite. Link us to your evidence and your "up to date data." Oh, wait, I forgot, links and evidence are your kryptonite, LOL!!!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues and you are eagerly waiting for your Darwin Award to arrive thanks to those 'life saving' jabs. You really need some up to date data. That nonsense you spew was disproven years ago.
Mardrae · F
Yes! I absolutely regret it! I developed Lichen Planus which is a chronic skin disease that I am stuck with the rest of my life. Everything I love triggers it!
Spectra · 26-30, F
Honestly anybody with a phone can look up how many people died from Covid vs. how many people died from the vaccine and decide for themselves which one is worse….
Josh1454 · M
@hippyjoe1955 I don’t think you get what I’m saying. Read the actual words. You say it’s online. So is all the information to the contrary. You say you see it happening. I see the contrary. So the only way you can prove yourself right is with a legitimate documentation that is backed by people that are considered experts on this subject. So just saying it doesn’t make it true or me saying that I am a millionaire and since I wrote it here it is online, that makes it true, by your logic. Funny enough in lot even saying you’re wrong. I’m simply saying that by your logic anyone arguing the counter point is also correct.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Josh1454 I don't think you understand what I said. Yes the information is online. So is the other side. How do you determine which is accurate and which is misleading. I don't appeal to authority. I don't rely on peer reviewed studies. I base my opinion on information I see that meshes with what I experience. If there are two weather reports one says the sun is out and the other says that rain is falling. Which report do I believe. Both are online. Well I don't know about you but I look out the window. If I see the sun shining I know the report that the sky is cloudy is not accurate.
pdockal · 56-60, M

can i look up long term affects ?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Definitely not!

I knew any vaccine is a bio-weapon, yes: against a pathogen .

One that in the case of Covid can cause anything from very mild flu-like symptoms to long-term illness, even death. Though the risk of death in an otherwise healthy sufferer is very low.

While influenza is very unpleasant (and can kill an individual already in frail health), shingles can be very unpleasant and painful, poliomyelitis can cripple you, and tuberculosis and pneumonia are easily fatal if untreated. (I have been vaccinated against all these, Oh, and diptheria and tetanus too - .)

I also knew any medication can have side-effects, but of severity normally proportional to their rarity; so of generally low risk.

I also know the difference between hazard and risk - and between reality and pro-pandemic rumours.

[I did have some rather odd after-effects of my first inoculation against SARS_Covid, but they soon passed and I decided they simply showed the vaccine and my immune system were working hard!]
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell So you are denying you have been conned despite insurmountable evidence that the vaxes don't work and do cause immense harm and were used to 'combat' a virus that was not very deadly. Those are the facts. If you don't believe me simply follow the episodes on youtube put out by one John Campbell who went from terror of the virus to relief of the vax to the realization that the virus was not very deadly to the realization that the vaxes are very deadly to the statement the having looked at all the evidence now he is very anti vax. He is very good at popularizing science. You might want to give him a listen. I think he is British and a doctor of nursing maybe retired? Not sure. Look him up and watch some of his oldest videos first just to get a feel for how far he has come based on the science.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 Yes because I do not feel anyone has conned me.

Nor do I see any genuine evidence that I have, only allegations of it from anti-vaccination campaigners with their own motives.

I have been vaccinated, have no qualms about risking booster vaccination, have not knowingly been infected with Covid, I am still alive and that's what counts. If I was to be afraid of risk as you suggest I should be I'd go nowhere and do nowt.

I gather there have been particular problems with one make of virus, which perhaps is not very surprising given the rush to develop them, but I don't know the medical facts there. it is right of course that any vaccine is kept under review.

John Campbell.... not heard of him but I'll look out for his name. Actually I don't use YouTube so I don't know how to search it. I used to follow interesting links suggested to me but gave up after Google took it over and ruined it!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell Yes Google is a problem. Youtube is very user friendly. click on the search icon then type in what you want to find. Youtube gives you a whole list of his articles. Give it a go. I don't follow links for the sake of following links either. I came to be anti vax after my brother in law was killed by the vax. Since then 7 other people I knew also died within hours of getting the vax. Occam's Razor cuts very close on this one.
No. They were free and the original variant was ten times as deadly to people in my age bracket.
Today I've had covid three times as well, and I'm fine, probably because I didn't expose myself until the omnicron variant was endemic here.
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
No regrets. I've had the vaccine four times and I feel absolutely fine. I trust science, if I get an infection I will also accept antibiotics or whatever the doctor thinks is in my best interests.
OH YES!!!! My balls swelled up and big as beach balls and I think I became sterile because I have not gotten my hand pregnant yet. I think I'm dying slowly. I think there are itty bitty transmitters in me now........maybe broadcasting to Russia. And I like Bud Lite now. I'm totally freaking. And don't even get me going on the magnets. Silverware sticking to me.....I have to pull myself off of my car fender when I walk by it.
Still trying to find a downside to having common sense and caring for others?? Why??
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@anythingoes477 they really are as both support right wing political views and prioritise the top one per cent of society instead of the majority working class
@Guitarman123 You have no idea what ur talking about. If you did.............how do explain LEFT wing capitalists? Do they support right wing views?
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@anythingoes477 they support maintaining the status quo and don't want to offend anyone as they are opportunists
Penny · 46-50, F
yeah and lizard aliens actually run the government.
I felt horrible after taking the damn booster.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Believing your theory about the vaccine would require me to believe that all the different reports on the statistics, showing that vaccinated people who still got covid did not get as sick and died less often, were faked by some vast conspiracy. I don't believe that. I do not regret getting vaccinated repeatedly against covid any more than I regret getting annual flu shots.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ServantOfTheGoddess After you show me yours. If you haven't been keeping up with the most recent data you are severely out of date.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@hippyjoe1955 You've been saying the same things since this all started so I very much doubt that recent data has anything to do with it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ServantOfTheGoddess As have you. You need to open your eyes to what has happened here. This was not for your benefit. Human created virus and human created antidote. Hmmmm. Yeah I'll line up for my 12th shot.... Too funny.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
No I don't regret it
Kypro · 51-55, M
Kypro · 51-55, M
@hippyjoe1955 they have not admitted promoting false stories on a wide scale. I am open to sources but look at the big picture of all information. Too many want to sell books by saying outrageous things
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Kypro yeah and big pharma has drugs to sell. Who you going to believe the conman who runs NIH or your eyes.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Northwest · M
I regret it. I now see Fauci in my dreams, whenever I think about what to eat, it’s always Italian. And let’s not get started on the incessant thoughts of gelato. It’s been hell.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I did not want the vaccine. I wasn’t forced but everything was shut down and no one would accept you in any type of business without proof of vaccination.

Vaccination made it possible to continue my life. I haven’t suffered any ill effects that I know of yet.

The pandemic was such a deep dark tunnel of endlessness for me. I was so lonely. While we were in it I didn’t know if it would last for many many years.

If I had known that it would be over as soon as it was I would have pushed through and not been vaccinated as I have never perceived Covid to be a threat to my life and don’t know if the vaccine is harmful.
gol979 · 41-45, M
A hard pass on altering my genetics with an injection of mrna goo.

A shame the majority thought that forced/coerced "medication" was the way to go.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
My experience hasn't been pleasant. But i chose to get it for a job. Live and learn i suppose.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
No regrets, have had covid twice. As i had the first back in 2020, i barely avoided the hospital until i got the shot. I recently had covid again and it was no big deal. Like a cold. So it helped me and i am in the very high risk group. The side effects are scary. I feel bad about the prople who reacted to the shots. Everyone is allowed to have a opinion but we all have to live with covid now. Rather than argue, just accept the others right to accept or refuse.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@pdockal you believe what your gut tells you. It saved my life
pdockal · 56-60, M

That's not the issue
It's the fact that people are trying to shove their opinions/agenda on others

WE SHOULD ALWAYS question the government as they are beholden to the rich and big business rather then we the people and rarely do what's right compaired to doing whatever week get them re-elected!!!!!!

glad your OK
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@pdockal thanks

The Pfizer vaccine could be a biological weapon and could be even more dangerous than Covid-19. The Pfizer vaccine could have previously undisclosed negative effects on health, such as ALS, Alzheimer and other degenerative neurological diseases.

Recurrent pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative about COVID-19 vaccination, aiming to discredit Western vaccines by claiming that such vaccines have serious negative side effects on human health. This narrative is part of a major pro-Kremlin propaganda campaign in support of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

The claim that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (Comirnaty) could be a biological weapon lacks any factual basis. It is one of many anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. There is also no evidence linking the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to Prion diseases or degenerative neurological disorders such as ALS or Alzheimer's, as the article claims.

The side effects of the vaccine have been assessed by the competent control bodies: the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Medicine Agency approved the vaccine in 2020, rating its efficacy at 94.6% in adults and 100% in the 12-16 age group. According to the EMA's official statement and the assessments of its Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC):

“EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has completed its rigorous evaluation of Comirnaty, concluding by consensus that sufficiently robust data on the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine are now available to recommend a formal conditional marketing authorisation. [...] The most common side effects with Comirnaty were usually mild or moderate and got better within a few days after vaccination. They included pain and swelling at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle and joint pain, chills and fever”.

Here you can read a well-documented article on pro-Kremlin disinformation aimed at discrediting Western vaccines and especially the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine, as well as EUvsDisinfo’s in-depth analysis of these disinformation narratives about the negative effects of the Pfitzer/BioNTech vaccine.

The Pfitzer/BioNTech vaccine has never been linked by the competent control bodies to Prion diseases or neurodegenerative disorders. The article’s claim is based on an article that appeared in January 2021 article signed by J. Barten Classen, MD.

Classen's article, as well as his previous work, have been widely debunked by experts, including by the American Council on Science and Health, which stated that:

“Now, a new myth has reared its ugly head. A paper written by a well-known anti-vaxxer named J. Bart Classen and published in a scientific journal if we can even call it that (because it's not indexed in PubMed) claims that the mRNA vaccines that target coronavirus could cause prion diseases like Alzheimer's. It's total garbage”.

Source: https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/the-pfizer-vaccine-could-be-a-biological-weapon

Ura , tovarishch !
Kypro · 51-55, M
@pillowprincess gibberish
Says the one word man. Enjoy your day.
HannahSky · F
Another tinfoil hat I see
Like2play · M
It’s not and I am happy I got them.
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Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I got it and dont regret it .
The vaccine killed Tina Turner.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@AtticEscapee and how do you know Tina died from the vaccine? Were you at the hospital or did you just take OAN's word for it?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@AtticEscapee I was in north Italy in one of those few towns locked down early in February while y'all had yet to hear the word 'coronavirus' but were preemptively hoarding toilet paper for a respiratory virus, so figure.
@basilfawlty89 I did a FOIA request and read the autopsy.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Yo mama is a bioweapon 😷🤿
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
pure blood here; got covid early, was like a mild flu, never wear a mask, haven't gotten it since; I trust biology & common sense over politically funded science...
Fairydust · F
Same I’ve never tested positive for covid. I may have had it, not sure.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@Fairydust never tested for it, but was strongly assumed as I was around ppl who did and had it (many of whom got it again after vaccination...)
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I had the vaccinations against Covid, if that is what your mean, and for several other diseases; I do not regret them and I do not believe your accusation against any of them,
calicuz · 51-55, M
Yes I regret it, because now I have nano bots running through my blood stream.
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calicuz · 51-55, M

And standing near magnets. 😎
WandererTony · 56-60, M
I have no regrets.
I took it and feel it was the correct decision.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
My 5G comes in great. I have no regrets.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Yeah. The vaccine was even confirmed after the fact to be ineffective against covid. I got covid a year after getting it, so clearly it doesn't work. There's no point in taking rushed experimental vaccines that we don't yet know the long term health effects of. All short term gains.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M

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