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What's food for you? You eat to recharge or for pleasure( yes I mean you pizza>love, peeps)

After years of meditating , and taking long breaks between meals/ fasting, I've realized that fasting and clean food is a necessity for spiritual development.
When you're hungry you're not just food hungry, there's a spiritual need.
But eating all these junk food and fantasizing all day about kfc,mac n cheese, pizzas...will stop your search for something greater than
Satisfying Hunger. These foods give you so much pleasure that make u feel on top of the world.
I see people hanging out eating at restaurants, then they go eat dessert somewhere else, then breakfast at starbucks, then cigarettes and alcohol,then 1h in toilets😂.

Duh half of your lives are wasted on food.
Feeling hungry is so beautiful, it makes you enjoy existence without worrying about what's on your table.
Be hungry, take breaks between meals .

You fill your shelves with cans bcz you're afraid to die from hunger, but truth is your food will kill you😢
that reminds me of Ramadan and the fasting that happens during that period for spiritual reasons, mainly reflection . I also enjoy the feeling of hunger as well as eating until I am not hungry anymore- but not full either. I feel very unsatisfied intrinsically when I eat until I am full- or beyond that. I also am pretty positive that it has been scientifically proven to slow aging (calorie restriction).
Hassan · 22-25, M
@PepsiColaP noo not any close to Ramadan :/
Ramadan or fasting the Christian way is just a habit developed by trying to mimic thousands of years aged religions.
During the days of the fast month ,people just think about food. Fantasize about the meat on the table, the sweets tha will be served.
As soon as the fast month ends, people get so happy and go on an eating shitting spree. It's a lovely relationship between your stomach and butthole😂

The goal is to reject bad food and become so pure for your whole life.
Not just a month. I'd even cut my hand if people attain 0.000% of self reflection during relegious fast months.
They're just alcoholics about religions .
The only thing I see them achieving is trying not to loose their shit before the
fasting month ends.

I hate religions bcz it don't help people attain meditativeness or spiritual progress. Just empty promises to keep the market going.
You know , I'm sure you've seen this pic of dimensions where the 3rd dimension is for food and pleasure. Religions are built there, there's no way you can attain anything from it.
They built everything to keep going and circulating in this big business. From foods, to travel and tourism during holy months,baptism,marriages...

Screw them really, it's our pure hearts that make us thrive in the spiritual realm.

Many people have contemplated the moon for decades, but only few got inspired and lit a moon in the skies of empty hearts😉
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Eh… my experience of hunger differs. When I’m not physically or mentally active it’s fine to be hungry, but when I need to focus hunger interferes.

Some cultures put a lot of soul into the cooking or gathering around food with loved ones, laughing, connecting, sharing.

There are many ways to distract ourselves. I’ve known plenty of people who use meditation as a form of escapism, inflating their ego, and to divide people into 2 groups: ‘the spiritual like me’ or ‘the not spiritual, that I am better than ’.
true I stopped following any diets but I mostly eat only once a day or snacks
Hassan · 22-25, M
@SW-User it's the best right? Makes room for creativity and emotions to flow
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
burger & chips 🤤
Hassan · 22-25, M
@SarithBorn exactly what I mean
Stop smoking whatever you’re on. It’s not Sunday today so preaching ain’t allowed
@Hassan Eating junk constantly and fasting are worlds apart. You seem to ignore the healthy middle ground which exists
Hassan · 22-25, M
@BeefySenpie no it's not. You need long breaks between meals otherwise cancerous cells will form.
@Hassan Every single person who doesn’t fast gets cancer, okay then 🙄
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
... no. I eat good food almost daily and I would call myself a very spiritual person. What you're talking about it just wannabe spiritual. Like what.. hunger = depth? hunger = beauty? tell that to the starving people in africa... just NO! 😳🤣 stop.

You do not need some kind of extreme life-style choice or mechanism to differentiate yourself from other people. Enjoy your food, and have your soul searching as well.
Hassan · 22-25, M
@MartinTheFirst you just talk to talk. I clearly said " fantasise about food"
I didn't mention starving people , I'm a big believer that if people eat less there'll be more food to end world's hunger.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Hassan And how would eating less help world hunger? Tell me please

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