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Financially, what's it like being a guy who is dating in this day and age?

More specifically the prices.
The price of everything is going up.

How does it feel to date someone and pay twice for everything?

Her overpriced food, your overpriced food.
Her overpriced entrance, your overpriced entrance.
How often do you take her out?
Do you ever ask her to pay?

I haven't dated in a while so I'm just curious 馃
Rudboy4141-45, M
It's expensive! Especially if you are a guy over 30 and choose to date a jobless woman with no prospects, yes i understood her concept of 'support me emotionally' but seeing her taking her out etc cost money

and she couldnt do anything about it and eventually it just became the norm and then marriage idea came up and i had to express the fact that love has limits! My credit card debt can attest to that fact, and i wanted a partner but couldnt adopt a 30yr old woman and her child, part of my self esteem is now buried in that debt that im still paying off, and im blocked from her life.

The old notion of the " wife who is only a home maker" is sadly old fashion and extinct, to all except those men who can afford to "keep" a women who doesnt earn an income.

Sadly i didnt date alot in highschool and early college years because thats when you get to stay over with the girl go on family vacations etc and visa versa while daddy/mommy are still paying the bills

and the guy didnt have to worry about being a full time provider for everyone. I envy young people who get to date while still being supported financially.
iamnikki31-35, F
@Rudboy41 so you were married or with a lady who didn't work? Bet that is expensive
Rudboy4141-45, M
@iamnikki i was not married, we dated on off for about 6 years, we met on an online datesite and i travlled 65km to go and visited her for netflix and chill at the student commune she stayed at for our first date, from there she got bounced around from family member to family member and i drove the distance to see her all the years, we never lived together.

All that time she only found work once and it only lasted 6 months and her boss pulled the terms and conditions of her contract to let her go.

It was expensive but i rode it out to the end, the end was after her sister had emigrated and the sister decided to stop paying her rent with her foreign money, and my ex got asked to leave the flat she was staying at

and probably ended up staying with her brother in-laws mother in the maids quarters( im not sure because she blocked me from her life while she was going through it all)

So yes it was expensive paying for every date over the years and being the only one in the relationship with a car and an income
iamnikki31-35, F
@Rudboy41 sounds stressful
Animalvan56-60, M
It鈥檚. More expensive now but normally worth it
Once or twice a month if we are in a relationship.
If we鈥檙e just starting to know each other, the first date is a coffee 馃榿, casual, so we don鈥檛 waste time and money.
Snail36-40, M
Its fun! Comes out of the fun money
DDonde31-35, M
How often do you take her out?

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