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Somebody, anybody, can you explain 'cat fishing' to me like I'm a 10 yr old?

Please? it seems so meaningless, and trite, and pointless...why would someone commit to it and what are the damages done by being catfished? Thank you.
AngelJade · 22-25, F
It really depends on intent...most the time, it is used to scam people out of something, get them to give money or gift cards. As ironically, simply pretending to be someone your not in itself is not usually a crime but most the time there is intent to commit fraud in doing so, which is where it becomes a crime.

Comment example is, I'm the prince of Nigeria, can you hold this money for me...of course they aren't really.

Definitely a crime if someone pretends to be under age to do illegal things with minors.

As far as I'm concerned, NO ONE online is who they say they are...including me, cause I don't want to not be a victim of any type of identity theft. My basically personality is who I am but people who know me online and in person, know I'm not the same.

I suspect people do it because their own lives suck and they hate their lives and they can't get anyone to talk to them otherwise. I find it is usually easy enough to spot cause those losers use pics of famous people that are easy enough to reverse search.

I have had people cat fish me, then take money and I get some random guy wanting the money back and like no I don't know you leave me alone, I have never talked to you before.

Go ahead and report me because it wasn't me.

It is annoying for sure, but at least its not total identity theft like some illegals do to get jobs and things (I have a cousin who does that.) Or using someone else's personal information from a hack to get loans, credit cards, etc... that is 100% identity theft...and a major crime.

To a some degree, everyone is a catfish in that they hide their true identity online for security purposes. Some guys even say heavy make up is the same as a catfish, pics of someone with lots of make up, or filters on photo's to change how they appear are too.

I've been accused of being a catfish cause my normal look, vs. dressed up look are different.

Basically without any fraud intent or things like that, it is simply pretending to be someone they are not.

Then there is the other historical type, where you actually go fishing for catfish using a pole and all that and then after hours of trying, you catch a trout.
Vin53 · M
"What is a catfish? A catfish is someone who sets up a fake online profile to trick people who are looking for love, usually to get money out of them.Jul 10, 2023"

Is this cat fishing??
When one person deceives another person in to believing they are real
Or a person pretending to have an online relationship...with themselves
Coralmist · 41-45, F
There is even a show called typically starts out with two people chatting online many months and falling in love..only to find out the guy or girl they love is either not the gender they said, or older , or not at all what they said they looked like. They meet up in the show..with the host of the show mediating. Typically one person will be so devastated they were lied to for so long that they wish to no longer talk. When asked Why did you catfish them? They say I was lonely or they didn't think they would like how they really are. 🙁
Guardian · 56-60, M
It can cost the victim lots of money & time and lost identity. It is fraud and theft
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@Guardian I hadn't thought about that aspect. Yes, fishing for gifts and such.
Iwillwait · M
So a Boy/Girl or Girl/Boy pretends to be something or someone they're not and deceive a person for ages Electronically starting a relationship for free pizza n stuff.
Vin53 · M
How much can you actually give of yourself to someone youve never been face to face with? In the flesh. One on one physically.
Layla07 · 26-30, F
Send me your check and i will send you a catfish pic
Vin53 · M
@Layla07 Will you include nude pics of you??!
Layla07 · 26-30, F
@Vin53 no that would piss my hubby off
Vin53 · M
@Layla07 I really suck at this
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Check out my thread

These people do it for attention, they do it to scan money, they do it because they are lonely.

There are a few accounts here that are a Man and Woman that interact with each other. They say they are in a relationship or they have met for sex.

I can think of a few that are fakes and it’s just so weird to me. One of the “woman” accounts is obsessed with people sending “her” gifts.
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
It's definitely a troll thing. Men pretending to be women in order to get men to fall in love, just to laugh at them.
Vin53 · M
@LordShadowfire Someone they know in real life does this to another man?
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@Vin53 No, usually to complete strangers on the internet. Or to people they know, but only online. I'm pretty sure there's also a homosexual element to it, or maybe a trans element, but they're in denial of it.
Vin53 · M
@LordShadowfire Ok, but what's accomplished if they never even meet?

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