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Could it be that the United States NEEDS millions of immigrants?

I have heard people say that we need working people in the U.S. to pay for
Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.. because once all the Baby Boomers
are retired, we will not have enough working people to pay the bills.
4meAndyou · F
The United States does NOT need millions of illegals. They are a tremendous security risk. I saw one on television yesterday, an Arab of some sort, taunting reporters, saying, "You want to know my name? I have a name, and soon ALL Americans will know my name." And that was a threat if I ever heard one...yet no one tried to stop him.

Jerry Nadler, mumbling into his chin, said that we NEED all these illegal immigrants to pick our crops. Millions of them, apparently. Despite the fact that MOST of these illegals are NOT working, and are on welfare, and receiving free housing, free food, and free medical care.

The NUMBER of illegals will BREAK Medicaid, will BREAK welfare systems in ALL states, and will destroy our school budgets.

In Chicago due to the cold weather, our AMERICAN children were kicked out of their own schools so that the illegals could SLEEP in the schools.

Illegals are sucking our blood, sucking us dry, and the Democrat Socialist PLAN is to allow them to VOTE in our presidential elections...even though they are not citizens. All they need is a driver's license or photo ID, and to lie like hell.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@carpediem You are right, I was going to post that before I saw yours.

If they can bankrupt the country, and destroy our system and resources,
most people will beg them to do something, and that something will
include total control of the people. It will be like Medicaid, they will
take everything you have, with the promise to take care of all their
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DogMan It's happening right now.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@carpediem I know, right before our eyes
In 2020 the birth rate in the USA was 1.64 babies per woman. Since it roughly takes two to tango, that is well below the replacement rate. We rely on immigration to keep the economic engine chugging along. It's just a fact.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@SandWitch Oh come on, why would you say that about Americans? Are you speaking for yourself?
Because you are not speaking for any American I know. The U.S. is the biggest melting pot
on the planet.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Because you are not speaking for any American I know. The U.S. is the biggest melting pot on the planet.

Of course I'm not speaking about any American you know! Are you a White American?! Because IF you are a White American, then you're just BS'ing me!

So what if the USA is the biggest melting pot on the planet?! That statement of your's is irrelevant.

What you're saying about America being a melting pot doesn't mean that White Americans actually LIKE people who don't look like them and sound like them when they speak! That's my point!

If White, English speaking people were the one's who were trying to enter the USA illegally though America's southern border, do you think Republicans would be wanting to put up a wall to keep out White, English speaking people from entering the USA? 😏

If you haven't figured that one out by now, then you haven't been paying attention to what's going on all around the USA!
DogMan · 61-69, M
@SandWitch You have no idea what other people think. You are just pretending, that you
know what is in the minds of white Americans, you DON'T! You are obviously
repeating a narrative from people that are typical America haters.
There are bad seeds in every country, to think that the percentage is higher in America,
is Naïve, and Ignorant.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Plenty of people who are interested in coming here legally. Why would we ever want someone's first act in the country to be an illegal one? Round them up, ship them back, and focus on legal immigration.

Legal immigrants assimilate. Illegals do not.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Maybe the damn democrats who could care less about social security and claim we need all these illegals to pay taxes should think about all the aborted babies who would now be paying taxes. Democrats are absolute idiots.
jehova · 31-35, M
The numbers do appsar to say that a more current interpretation might be there arent enough native(citizen) american here to cover the bill. Thus we need immigrants to do the work and pay the bill for that already citizen population. While the immigrant is not (yet) able to reap those same benefits. Until the 'books' balance.
jehova · 31-35, M
@whowasthatmaskedman it is truth u speak
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@jehova Sometimes I wish I didnt know what I know...😷
jehova · 31-35, M
@whowasthatmaskedman likewise brother. That i know too much too.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
I think , that they think, that legalizing the illegal immigrants is gong to secure their political base for decades, but it's backfiring

I also think that there are some people that legitimately want to overthrow the govt from within.
Allies of Klaus Schwab and friends.
It certainly sounds like a point that should be discussed rationally at the Congressional level.

I used to say that no mainstream politicians on either side wanted either completely open or closed borders.

These days, we have a rogue governor whining that the Federal government won't let him murder attempted immigrants.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Well, Yes. Just not the type you are getting. Strong Chinese and Irish backs built the railroads and mined the nation. But the times changed after WW2, with Werner Von Braun. There was a prime example of the new Migrant..The current required migrant is probably brown, gets a free ride at a major University and is going into computers or medical research..😷
DogMan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman I don't agree, anyone can be successful in the U.S.
I'm an ex-con, and had everything going against me when I got out of prison.
I lost my profession and started all over in construction, and eventually started
my own construction company in 2004. I had to make good decisions every day.
Every decision was made with my goal in mind. I married a very smart woman
that made me an even better man. We worked together and achieved the
America Dream. Too many people think it should be given to them. It
takes sacrifice, determination, and focused hard work. I am not educated,
or special in any way. Anyone can do what I did, but they would have to
DO, what I did. Many people will not want to do it, it is not worth the
change and sacrifice.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@DogMan I hold no judgement against your past. We all make mistakes. But I doubt you faced the kind social disadvantage from early childhood that so many african america kids face. More recent waves of immigration come to the country and throw all their rescources at their kids to get them the best possible start and get them on the ladder. Those already "in the system" simply have less to start with..😷
DogMan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Well. yes, my upbringing instilled hard work into me.
But that was done through parenting. I know many do not get that, but that is
not societies fault, or racism. Look at the millions of successful black people in
America. There IS a recipe for success that trumps all prejudice. I do feel bad for kids
with bad parents, they need to work hard to change.

As far as Latinos coming here, they do great, as long as they
learn the language. I know a lot of Latino entrepreneurs, that
are very successful.

Take care, I'm going offline for the weekend.
Baremine · 70-79, C
But banning abortion instead of roe vs wade would have solved the problem with social security without all the terrorists, sick and criminals we are getting because of comrade Biden.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They are removing our money from circulation by sending it out of the country. I don’t hear much about it but a Mexican man I know said it’s a huge amount. This is a big problem.
jehova · 31-35, M
@Patriot96 thats likely true. Ill crunch the numbers for myself soon.
jehova · 31-35, M
jehova · 31-35, M
@jehova but carefully
SandWitch · 26-30, F
The USA has needed immigrants for over 30 years to do the jobs that the average American wouldn't lower themselves to do, such as picking fruit, harvesting vegetables, delivering parcels, driving trucks for minimum wage and cleaning windows, just to name a few.

It's true what you say about Baby Boomers creating a vacuum when they all retire, because there will in fact be very few people actually contributing to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid when the last one takes up residence in a Long Term Care facility early, after having gone through a 1960's and `70's lifestyle where drugs, booze, sex and rock and roll was the primary focus in their lives, which many Americans have continued with until their health eventually fails prematurely. What then?

If the US government were truly smart (which it never is), it would create an immigration program to bring those current 'illegal immigrants' on stream so they start paying badly needed Federal and State taxes and start contributing to Social Security. To do otherwise and turn away all immigrants that are literally landing on America's doorstep for free, the government will turn to Corporate America to fund taxation which in the USA, ain't gonna happen!
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SandWitch · 26-30, F
I'm one of those Baby Boomers that partied hard for many years, I have had a great life and done a ton of cool things.

Oh really! Very good! Tell me about your great life and some of the cool things you've done!

Do you really want to know? I don't want to waste time.

You're the one who brought that up and made that claim, not me! If you want to use an excuse that you'd be wasting time telling me, then I'll just assume that you've made another BS statement which I'm getting use to from you.
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DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@ManKing If they are not going to prosecute the illegal aliens that assaulted the police, maybe we should prosecute them for dereliction of duty, and revoke any professional licensees that they hold.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@jshm2 Yeah we are horrible. That is why people from 180 different countries are risking
their lives to come here. Are you saying that you don't buy Chinese products? The world
would be in utter chaos without the United States of America. What country are you
from? It looks like you are afraid to put up any info about yourself, why is that?

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