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Truth about Creation

The clergy, along with scientists, may now approach the philosophy of the “big bang” theory not as a possibility but as reality.
This quote from Messages to Mankind, “Despondent, the
Almighty, in a fit of impatience, smashed the world of matter”
lends considerable support and credibility to the ideas man has discovered concerning the creation of the universe. Let us look at
what the Big Bang theory means in relation to man's discovery. In
1917, William deSitter put forward the idea that the whole universe might be expanding or contracting. Then in 1927, George
Lemaitre proposed the Big Bang theory: the universe was born in
a cataclysm when a dense ball of material erupted. According to
Lemaitre's theory, space and time began on “a day without a yesterday,” when all the raw material for today's universe exploded
from a point of infinite density. In 1929, Edwin Hubble showed
that faint nebulae were receding from Earth at great speeds, supporting the idea of an expanding universe. Recently in 1992,
George Smoot, a physicist from the Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, discovered the “missing link” that could prove the Big
Bang theory. As reported by the Washington Post on May 3, 1992,
Dr. Smoot's discovery uncovered a missing link to the theory of
how the universe came into existence. His team found “ripples in
the fabric of space time.” They believe that these ripples were “in
the first trillionth of a second of the explosive moment of creation,
dictating the shape and form of today's universe, including its
island of inquisitive humanity.”
In the Bible Genesis I: 2 reveals how the world came into
existence: “And God said, let there be light and there was light.”
Our scientists do not dispute what God revealed to man; they only
provide a basis for understanding what our ancestors could not
comprehend. Adam Ford talks about the creation of the universe in
Supplementology: Combining Religion with Science
his book entitled “Spaceship Earth.” He states: “For about a million years the universe was an expanding fireball of light. When it
grew cooler, the first atoms formed. Then gravity took over. It
pulled together the small atomic particles within the great ball of
gas and light. The material of the universe separated into billions
of enormous clouds and, within these clouds, the stars were born.”
Thus, the Bible revealed to man of that time only that which he
could perceive with regard to his limited knowledge of the universe and life.

Read "The Almighty's religion for the Universe" Available @ Amazon.com
See "Supplementology.org"
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
In the Bible Genesis I: 2 reveals how the world came into
existence: “And God said, let there be light and there was light.”
Our scientists do not dispute what God revealed to man; they only
provide a basis for understanding what our ancestors could not
comprehend. Adam Ford talks about the creation of the universe in
his book entitled “Spaceship Earth.” He states: “For about a mil-
lion years the universe was an expanding fireball of light. When it
grew cooler, the first atoms formed. Then gravity took over. It
pulled together the small atomic particles within the great ball of
gas and light. The material of the universe separated into billions
of enormous clouds and, within these clouds, the stars were born.”
Thus, the Bible revealed to man of that time only that which he
could perceive with regard to his limited knowledge of the uni-
verse and life.
The formation and transformation of the Universe can be
understood in more detail today because of man's increased ability
to investigate his world. This new “revelation” provides man an
opportunity to explore without bias concerning religion and sci-
ence of our universe. Our ancestors were told the truth, but only
within their capacity to comprehend life, as they knew it. Our sci-
entists, cosmologists, astronomers, and physicists will learn more
of our universe and its creation; it now, however, can be under-
stood and corroborated with religion.
In Genesis, chapter two, verse seven, it states: “and the Lord
God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Again
we see that our ancestors were told about the creation of man in a
simplified form. Due to man's inability to understand the true
nature of life and creation, God revealed some sense of the cre-
ation of life. We must look, however, at what has now been
revealed to and discovered by man. In our schools we are taught
that man was first an animal and evolved into his present form
after many years.
Man has always sought an explanation of his doubts and ques-
tions concerning life, and he has learned something about the mys-
teries imposed upon him, but let us put into perspective how he
has learned or discovered the answers to his questions. First, this
segment of the Messages reveals that man has what animals do
not have: the creative spirit of the Almighty. Man thinks that he
has a far more complicated and superior brain than the animals,
but let us look at early man and try to understand why his develop-
ment was different from that of animals. Why did man seek an
identity and understanding of his world?
As mentioned earlier, the same molecules and atoms that
make up the brain of animals are the same in humans. Scientists
have assumed that humans are a higher animal form, and conclude
that the human brain's thinking ability alone controls the develop-
ment of our societies and world. Therefore, since animals have
been unable to defeat or control mankind, it leaves to reason that
they are not capable of out thinking human beings. Science has
uncovered certain ideas relating to this understanding, such as the
evolution of man's brain and body. Mankind's brain has increased
in size, as has his physical dimensions. Scientists have shown the
gradual changes that have taken place in our bodies and brain over
the past 14 million years.
pdockal · 56-60, M

Couldn't reply to your post so I'm trying here.

So by your logic if i capitalize Buddah I'm not Christian?
If i capitalize Mohammed I'm not Christian?
Respectful people will capitalize the gods of other religions. I'm a lazy typer so you can't use that logic with what i post anyway as i miss punctuation and spelling and conjunctions and contractions etc.
Lynda70 · F
WOW do you even hear what your saying?
Did you really not understand her reply? Wow. smh.
pdockal · 56-60, M

Not @ all and in not going to get into it with the likes of you or anybody else

Looks like she blocked me .... oh well
pdockal · 56-60, M

I wasn't looking for other names .... reread
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Lynda70 · F
I discovered then in a box of books that was donated to a organization of which I worked back in 1978.
Who was the author?

I went on to study and compare this information with the rest of the world's religions
There is bound to be some commonality amoung religions. The same gods appear in Roman, Greek and Norse religions, they just have different names.
Sharon · F
@Lynda70 I'd like to know who the author was too. I doubt "God" wrote it itself.
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
@Lynda70 The title of the book was "Messages to mankind from the Almighty and His Spirits" by Alexzander Homics.

They do but, certain subjects concerning creation, the spirits, and the universe are different. In his book Alexander explained things differently. His books are no longer available. He passed in 1982. I never met him but I got to know his daughter and his nephew Nick Mezins who also passed in 2021. His books are still available as "The Tidings, The Book of Tidings from the Almighty and His Spirits" available @ Amazon.com. All of the book were translated from the Latvian language. The original messages were received in Latvia in 1943 through to 1971. The people who received these messages traveled to Germany and the USA during the war. Thanks

Christians believe Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead.

I don’t worry about how the Babylonian theologians came up with the creation poems.
I’d be more worried if Genesis started with fourteen pages of vector calculus, or indigestible matrix analysis.
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
@SW-User God didn't raise Him from death. He (God) simple materialized His spirit that resided in Christ into human form. That is what Christians must come to beleive. Thanks

Read "The Tidings, The Book of tidings from The Almighty and His Spirits", by Nick Mezins, available @ Amazon.com

See "Supplementology.org" to learn how these messages were revealed to humanity.

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