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One of the oldest mosques in the world is in China. It is called Huaisheng Mosque

It is traditionally thought to have been originally built over 1,300 years ago, making it one of the oldest mosques in the world.

dale74 · M
Most of the mosques in China and India were not originally mosques they were Hindu temples that were converted over. Even the Taj mahal was not originally mosque.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

Islam initially reached China through merchants which is not a hidden fact
I think you are talking about a later time in history.

It is prohibited in Islam to change someone’s place of worship into a mosque by force.

If it happened it is either due to human shortcoming or the people willingly converted it to something else.

For example , when Omar (the best friend of prophet Mohammed ) conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines he refused to pray inside the church in fear that the Muslims will take that as a sign to change the church into a mosque
This is not a hidden story you can look it up.

By the way I can give a non ending list of examples of churches who were initially not churches .
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
I can give a list of originally built mosques who were later changed into churches or temples
Want examples?

This is not something that was exclusively done by Muslims
For ur odd comment
Islam was founded in 622 AD.
@Moon3624 that's probably true. Still seems fast.
The rapid rise of Islam in China needs explanation. There are still millions of Chinese Muslims.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Roundandroundwego my post is only about the oldest mosque in China which is believed to be as old as 1300 years or at least very very old from what I have read.
If you are interested about the history of china and Islam
I honestly don’t have the answers
As I am not well read on it

They say
It is parcel of knowledge to say to the things you don’t know about “I don’t know “
If you ever do read about it, do enlighten me with your findings.
@Moon3624 that mosque is only interesting because of those people. But you should not understand that. Connecting dots is a leftist project and online we don't connect history, buildings and people today. We know nothing that would matter. It's just an old building and you are just a random bag of cells pretending to converse.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Looks way too modern to be 1,300 years old
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Mmiker it has been rebuilt many times but it is originally believed to have been built 1300 years ago. You can find older pics of it online
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@Moon3624 I see.
I would have never thought..

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