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The Christian religion the most mass killings of any religion

The Christian religion is responsible for the most murders and mass killings than any other religion. Between 119 and 236 million deaths. By far Jesus Christ has killed the most people. Watch this video to see the facts.

Jesus Christ 119 to 230 million deaths
Mao Zedong 50 to 80 million deaths
Joseph Stalin 23 million deaths
Adolf Hitler 17 million deaths

Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
So true. Christianity is responsible for the enslavement and genocide of indigenous people and Africans.

From force conversions through threats of killing and assimilation and witch trials and colonialism.

The big 3 abrahamic religions especially Christianity caused a lot of bloodshed throughout history.

Their motives are convert or perish.

A religion that teaches to proselytize people through threats and force conversions tends to be more dangerous and have contributed to violent bloodshed.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
Genghis Khan/Mongols killed more people in a few decades than the Romans did in a thousand years...

but alas, atheists don't care about facts... 🤷🏻
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@James25 based on what? the ramblings of some old dude on youtube?
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
we have absolutely no idea how many were killed under paganism, but the number probably dwarfs any genocide/mass killings that've occurred in the last 2000 years...
James25 · 61-69, M
@wildbill83 based on the evidence presented in the video
Carazaa · F
Christians are persecuted the most. Get the story straight!
Christians face harassment in 145 countries, Muslims face harassment in 139 countries, and Jews face harassment in 88 countries.
Neoerectus · M
The Big Three of the Middle East -all related, btw- have really been responsible for many a blood bath!

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