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Jesus wanted the whole world to know about it. rivers of blood and suffering of the nation

Christ revealed these words to me. Beloved daughter, what do you see? I see you glorious, Christ. "Now what do you see? I saw that He was holding humanity in His
right hand and I saw many people turning their backs on Christ. Then, before this Vision that shook me, He said to me: "Tell My children: all My children
see Me with the vision of the soul; some see Me in truth and others distort Me.
Intellectualism predominates in some of My children and they are limited to seeing and perceiving Me; others, due to their selfishness, place bonds between
their senses and their intellectuality, which do not separate and remain in sanity, dying every moment without allowing themselves to know Me. And they turn
their backs on Me because they find answers in science, in technology, in their personal deductions and hide from My Love, creating their own rules to justify
themselves to their brothers and sisters when they ask them about Me. My children do not see Me, nor are they able to see the reality they live in, due to the
fact that their conscience remains completely restless, agitated by what they selfishly desire for themselves.
Personal preferences keep them constantly critical of others, anger emanates from them when people around them are not what they want. They are irritable and
sensitive to everything and everything. Therefore, they are unable to be aware of the reality they live in and remain blind to what is beyond their reach.
These people do not see Me, nor do they see the reality of this moment, which is the decisive moment before they come face to face with themselves.
Tell them, My beloved, when the mind is silenced to return to My Truth, the mind is purified and thus the heart and senses. I offer man the blessing
of reasoning to free the soul from its bondage. A purified mind is wisdom and gives a man a pure heart. I use these people of pure heart to walk,
sharing My Word and My Revelations along the way, necessary for mankind to hear, see and feel within themselves the need to be with Me.
"Tell them, My beloved, that souls choose freely and that this Christ needs the full conscience of those who call themselves My children, My followers,
My disciples, My chosen ones, My priests, My consecrated ones. I need them all to awaken consciences and hearts dormant with indifference and hardened
by the ups and downs of bad behavior, sometimes by omission, and in others by personal convenience. The Divine Teacher continued to speak to me: "
Beloved, it is not times that determine events, but events that signal the future, and in this humanity was the creator of its own destiny, to which humanity
itself clung in its hardness and lack of humility. Tell them that I am coming with an iron staff to separate the wheat from the chaff, in those moments when
the chaff is plentiful and a person's eyesight does not allow him to see clearly through the dense matter that surrounds him, preventing him even from
perceiving My Presence.
My real children exude peace, inspire peace and exhale peace. Some people have called themselves mediators or messengers of peace before humanity, and by
failing to achieve their goal before people, they clearly show that they are just one more of the prevailing misery. As long as, I repeat, until greed is
eradicated from the ego, unity will allow a human being to recognize himself as My child, because before Me all are My children. It is the human being who
has created the divisions and that is why the whispers of war are heard right now until they are no longer whispers and war will spread to all of humanity
in the blink of an eye.
My beloved, you know of My Almighty, I have shown you how Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their perversity. If it were My Will, I would destroy this
planet in a second. Ah, but My Love and My Patience are My Perfection, therefore I leave man's destiny in the hands of man and his free will, not without
first warning them of the misfortunes that will befall humanity because of the madness and rebellion of this generation.
Christ asked Me:
“Tell them how much I have been waiting for them, about My desire for souls and about My desire for every person to be aware of their responsibility to win souls.
Talk to them about the awareness they need to maintain in order to act and work for peace. Tell them, my love, how much I have struggled with injustice,
slander, insults and rejection. Tell them not to be afraid because I will come to help those who suffer because of Me, tell them
who persevere, that for most I am a Mystery, but for those who persevere, I am the Mystery of Love revealed in their soul. Remind them
that My Kingdom remains before each of you and that I have given man the blessing to discover it. I am within and without each of you, I show
to those who seek Me with the knowledge of Who I Am, and those who reject Me and do not seek Me hide Me from themselves.
you are my light, all are my light; I am present in everything, but you live so dispersed in the worldly and in your false gods that
I speak to you and your ears do not hear Me. I am air, fire, earth, water, but the unconscious of man does not appreciate Me and does not give
Me the glory that they should give Me.
Christ continues to tell me: "Beloved, you see Me, you recognize Me and you know that I am teaching you the Truth, not
that you hide it, but that you share it with your brothers and sisters. You know I am more than blind faith, I am freedom for you to love
Me without limits, so that you can love Me because you know Me and relate to Me in My Love.
Speak to them of My suffering due to human disobedience and rebellion. Tell them that Creation was a great gift from My Father to man,
but you have deformed it and it wants to return to its state in My Father's Will. For this reason, the Earth will renew itself, and in this renewal, so will humanity
like previous generations, will bring upon themselves pain, tragedy, anguish and lamentation due to disobedience to Our Divinity, all of which is
the fruit of the misuse of human freedom and the immoderate use of misused science.
Tell them about My Church, about its purification and about the suffering of all nations. Assure them that I am coming for My children;
My legions will announce
My coming and those who are Mine will welcome Me with joy. I will see with pain those who have despised Me: they will try to hide their face from My Presence.
Within the framework of human freedom, each person will choose good or evil. Share with them My closeness to the conscience of each person.
Tell them about the rivers of blood that will be spilled all over the earth, before the man of science, who knowingly created the destruction of humanity,
challenges Me and, in his madness, causes every creature on the face of the earth to suffer. I'm not implacable, I've been waiting for people to wake up;
My Love is infinite as is My Justice.
Mankind has pounced on My Justice, hastening darkness with evil deeds, scrutinizing My Words to seek darkness, and despite My Light being so great,
they are blinded by their victorious selfishness. My beloved, tell my children that I am waiting for them with Eternal Love. I am who I am, eternal,
beginning and end. Tell them that I am waiting for them in the Tabernacle, tell them to come to Me without fear, but with the truth, without deception.
Tell them that I am present in every consecrated Host. I am the food of the soul and spirit forever and ever. Tell them that I am the Bread of Unity for
all who want to live aware of the need for My Presence in each of those who are Mine. I love you, tell them I love them, say it.
Brothers and sisters: Being faithful to the Word I receive from Christ, I have shared what is His Divine Will, Amen.
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
Ms. Barbara, you had these visions personally or is it taken from somewhere else?
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