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A Haunted Homeless Shelter

MANY incidents that can't be explained occurred during the 6 years I worked at the Homeless Shelter.

Here is ONE of them.

I used to work at a homeless shelter, and after a few years, I was asked to work on Thanksgiving.

Sister Mary Agatha Ruhe had come over that morning and asked me if I needed any help. I had to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, in case any of the residents decided to stay home. I said I did not need any help, and Sister Mary Agatha left. One by one, so did the homeless residents. They all had invitations for Thanksgiving, so I put the Thanksgiving dinner away that I had made, and settled down for my long shift by myself.

Part of my job at the shelter was to do rounds. I was supposed to walk all around the shelter and inspect every room, and make sure all the doors and windows were shut. Rounds were to be completed every hour….so I did them. The shelter was completely empty. I had checked all the closets….because I was a tiny bit nervous being there all alone. I was definitely alone.

It was around 3 pm when it was time for me to do my rounds again, and I left the office and I was about to open the connecting door that led to the hallway. I don’t know what stopped me….but I stopped dead in front of the door…..and as I stood there….I could see the door handle turn all by itself.

My heart started slamming in my chest. I dashed back into the office and locked myself in. The back door to the office had no lock… I propped a chair underneath the door handle. I had just completed placing the chair there….when THAT door handle began to turn….all by itself. I had no way of looking out into the hall. I sat at one of the desks. My heart was slamming like a sledgehammer in my chest. I was covered with sweat. I thought about calling the police….but I briefly thought….what if no one is really there? I will look like a fool. Then I reminded myself that as staff, we were never supposed to create incidents which might alarm the residents.

It was very quiet. I decided I was not going to try to do my rounds again. I would just stay in the office….and I did….until I heard a noise at the front door. It was one of the residents coming home. I had to leave the office to let her in… I did. There was no one in the hallway.

She needed her meds, so she came in the office so I could get them out of the locker for her….and she saw the chair under the door. She looked at me and said, “Were you nervous here all by yourself?”
“Not at all”, I said.
Heartlander · 80-89, M Best Comment
Just one possible explanation is that someone may have been there to rob the place. Someone who knew how to gain entry undetected, maybe a staff member, resident, previous staff, etc. And the office may have been a prime target if you kept prescription drugs there. Unable to open the first door because you had locked it, they tried the other door, but once they realized someone on the inside had blocked it they fled the building.

The Uvalde, TX shooting where the back door was left propped open isn't unusual. People gerri-rig doorways that are supposed to be locked all the time. Nor is staff or resident pilferage of prescription drug storage. It happens. Desperate people in need of money or drugs will do desperate things.

I understand about the reluctance to call the police. Businesses and institutions in some places get fined for repeated nuisance callouts of the police or fire department. So administration sometimes puts pressure to not call 911 unless there's a confirmed need.

I've toured a couple of homeless facilities. One was so impressive and the other left me in tears. God bless you for your 6 years there. You have earned your angel wings :)
4meAndyou · F
@Heartlander Yes, I hadn't really thought about a motive for someone being in the building. But later, because I was SO frightened, I thought of HOW someone...a human...could have gotten in. The sliding doors on the back porch, for example. I understand there are people who know how to pop those doors open.

Although all the doors on the first floor were locked, I failed to mention that there was an enormous basement space which, at that time, we used as Santa's workshop, and a food pantry. I checked the door going down to the basement, of course, and it was locked, but it was an interior lock, and easy for anyone who knew their way around locks to pick open.

It would have been relatively easy for one of the residents to hide in the basement, and pick open the basement lock...OR to circle round the back of the building and pop the slider.

I have never once, in all these years, thought about theft of the prescription drugs in the locker in the office being a motive!!!! I guess that sometimes I am too dumb for my own good...🤣🤣🤣

And thank you for saying that I earned my angel wings. ☺️☺️☺️

KeysToMyBeemer · 36-40, M
When I was a kid at a boarding school, a friend of mine claimed to have witnessed a dark shadowy figure with red eyes donning a cowboy hat. Think "The Shadow". That school was rumoured to have been haunted. It was built over an area where an intense war took place in fact there was purportedly an underground place you could go and see bones of dead soldiers. That was probably a lie though but I was never brave enough to want to find out.
4meAndyou · F
@KeysToMyBeemer "They" say that building on or NEAR the sites of battles...even ancient battles...disturbs...something.
I think the haunting spirits follow you around. I bet you were so scared.
4meAndyou · F
@Sojournersoul You bet your booty I was scared. There was so much MORE going on there...but I will write about that another time.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
You should have told that resident the truth about what happened. If it was me, I would be singing like a canary.
Would love to hear it. I can only imagine how scared you were.
What a story, you must have been so scared 🤗
4meAndyou · F
@BridgeOvertroubledWaters I don't think I would have survived my heart slamming in my chest like that, If I hadn't been a lot younger then.
Musicman · 61-69, M
I would have been terrified and looking for anything I could use as a weapon.

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