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I’m so desperate to have a career that I’m considering doing a spell to conjure one. Is that wrong of me to do?

I just am so tired of being stuck. Would doing a magic spell be ok?
InHeaven · F
Never act in desperation. Casting a spell is in the invisible reality, contacting demons who can provide a career you want… and its never free and they never tell you the price of their “service”. They will take something in return as payment… a favorite loved one, (someone you love will die), your health, your marriage, your eye sight … anything. The only free things come from God 💁‍♀️that you don’t have to pay for. All of this happened to me. I used to cast spells … I paid for it. Lesson learned the hard way. I will never do it again no natter how desperate. The price you will pay is always higher… but you only realize it after 10,20 years when its way too late to undo the spell. Can’t take it back. A person during the period of desperation is completely blind… seeing one single thing — their want, not able to weight out or see/know all the consequences or side effects. Ask God instead what you need to do to get unstuck…not demons for a career.
InHeaven · F
@MrsMONAKanful well…. They can’t always get to the heart. Its easier to take away parents, husband, kids, pets… health. Since by casting a spell ( evoking the demons) the caster implies that the most important thing to them is the career … above all… not other peoples lives etc
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
What if I don’t believe in the Christian Religion? @InHeaven
MrsMONAKanful · 36-40, F
@MissNoahLenFoxx you can believe in anything it doesn’t have to be Christianity
Narcissus82 · 41-45, F
Have faith, no need for spells
MrsMONAKanful · 36-40, F
Maybe apply for it
InHeaven · F
@MrsMONAKanful most realistic advice
Pick your nonsense.
Prayer is a type of spell. Why is our approval needed?
Isthisit · F
Will the magic spell work?
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
I believe I have had some spells actually work when I was more into this kinda stuff when I was younger…? Could have been coincidences though.. either way it possible but not necessarily probable?… most likely will just let it all happen naturally though… @Isthisit
RebeccaJP · 36-40, F
It would definitely be ok. Might not do anything though
GovanDUNNY · M
Just do it
mainvane · 61-69, M
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
Just so long as you phrase it in such a way that you're not stealing the job from someone more deserving.
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
Who says I’m not deserving?… doesn’t matter anyway. Probably best not to mess w that stuff anymore anyway..*sigh* @LordShadowfire
LordShadowfire · 100+, M
@MissNoahLenFoxx Nope. There's no harm in it.

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