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Happened to me mid January 2024

jackieash · 26-30 Best Comment
The god squad just won't take it on board that there are people who just do not believe there is this alleged "day of judgment" with this geyser in a long white beard sitting in a golden throne that has already passed judgment before you have even reached that situation

It shows a monumental degree of arrogance to tell people they "will stand before god", assuming that they, themselves to be assured to be "on the right hand of god", especially to people who don't believe such a thing would or could possibly happen. But, given their attitude, they are too blind to see they have committed one of their own deadly sins...pride.
@jackieash It's clear enough for those who are willing to understand it.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@jackieash you accuse me of not getting the point but you dont get my point either. If youre going to comment on the final judgment then do a little bit of research first. Those passages i recommended were simply to help you understand thats all!
jackieash · 26-30
@TheWildEcho I'm not going to repeat myself again. The first paragraph of the OP states my point , crystal clear.

Adstar · 56-60, M
As a Christian it is often entertaining to read atheist fantasies about their meeting with God at the last Judgement.. 🤣

Don't worry atheist you will not need to ask any questions because you will get a huge instant knowledge injection so that you will know everything you need to know as you kneel before God..
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Adstar If you cannot prove that God exists then you cannot know that God exists.

You're wrong on that conclusion.. No one can prove Gods existence to another and no one can prove Gods non-existence to another.. But God Himself can prove His existence to whom so ever He wills when so ever He wills.. So yeah i know God exists without a doubt.. But the proof that i have been given is not transferable to you or anyone else..

So as i said before i need Zero Faith that God exists Just as other people can know the Sun exists because they have seen iot's light and felt it's warmth..

So do you understand that God can prove His existence to one person and withold that proof to another depending on his will???
@Adstar How will you react if you find yourself face to face with Allah, or Shiva, or Buddha, or L. Ron Hubbard?
FreakLikeMe · 56-60, M
@Adstar So “God’s will” is what gets you off the hook from having to explain him to anyone who questions the things of God. 1Corinthians 2:11 should make it convenient enough for you.
Simply no evidence of a god. The universe looks exactly like there is no creator. It’s either my way or the highway, or the carrot hanging on a stick.
decide what I'm going to do with him

Yeah, good luck with that.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
Be too late then
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TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom happy, why on earth would I be angry,?
@TheWildEcho You wouldn't be upset that followers of other religions, or no religion at all, were also "saved?" OK, great.

So basically, you're following your religion because you enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that, but as Buster Scruggs said, "Can't no one compel another man to engage in recreation."

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