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I hate when things are advertised as free, but then you get jipped with parking fees

I paid $15 to go to a museum and a park today 🥴
🖼️🎨🎭 🏞️🅿️
It’s the same here

And in Scotland it’s silly re admission fees too.

I remember when it was free to the public to visit the public art museum in Edinburgh… not any more 🥀
Workerbee · 31-35, M
If they mentioned parking fees guaranteed less people would go
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@iamnikki I feel the same way when I have to go downtown I get lost more there
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Workerbee then all the one way streets and pedestrians on every corner. Gotta drive with extra caution
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@iamnikki exactly why I’ll never live in a city like Cambridge

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