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People aspire a lot. I think one important aspiration is to live as a decent human. But what does decent mean to you?

Carissimi · F
Having integrity. Don’t be deceitful (unless it’s an example where you help others, or yourself ... like the young girl who saved Jews from Nazis. Her name escapes me atm) or act with malice. Compassion and empathy too, but also strong and determined in the right circumstances. Be a builder not a destroyer.
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Carissimi · F
No. I was thinking of Ann Frank. @Stereoguy
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4meAndyou · F
Decent: To me, it means that I try VERY hard not to hurt other people in real life. (Political figures are fair game). I TRY to be kind to people in my real life, and people I know here on SW.

It means I spend a reasonable amount of time thinking about God, and thinking about how I can make my own life more closely align to God's laws and requirements for me. It means I try to help people, and I always have....even if that is becoming more and more limited.

It means I don't do drugs, or involve myself in that whole sketchy scene, I no longer drink because it affects my behavior, I don't have sketchy relationships with people who don't care about me.

As a person who is TRYING to be decent, I don't spend a lot of time swimming in the pool of negative thoughts.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I just do what I can to live considerately.. I try to go about this life causing minimal harm where I go (unfortunately, I’m human, so ‘no harm’ would be unrealistic) and do what’s in my skillset to help make things within my sphere a little better if I can.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Decency comes from lack of neediness for me. If one really desperately needs respect, approval, material pleasures, etc. then they will manipulate others or get manipulated into doing things in order to obtain that which is needed. All good deeds will mask a hidden expectation. Or one can be outright terrible and take things by force.

How can you not be needy? When you surrender to God or Universal process or that which is infinitely larger and intelligent than yourself. Is everyone needy and therefore not decent? Yes. It is a struggle and that's why it is an aspiration as you said.
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Carissimi · F
Yes, a general respect for people unless they do something to lose your respect. @Stereoguy
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