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61-69, M
Struggling artist, photographer and writer. Have seen more than most, but not as much as many.
About Me
About Me
Dealing with a lot in life atm, but not unlike many here I suppose. Trying to get my life back together and found that by sometimes sharing on places like this, connecting with others and learning from them, I might just make it through another day.

I guess the best way to get to know more about me is to just ask. I don't mind sharing, even some of the more painful things from my life and I truly do not try to judge anyone. We are all here doing our best.

In my life I have worked as a newspaper boy, I washed windshields at a gas station (full service side), Dj/floorguard at roller rinks (several), Toy R Us, a floral/plant store, US Army Commo Specialist-Company/Bn Draftsman-Artist as well as CSM's Driver, Security Guard, Cook, Pool Cleaner/Installer, Machinist, Landscaper, Mobile Dj, Newspaper Man (had to have a car and delivered 800 papers a morning), Medical Transcriptionist (not really long though), Customer Service Stat Dept of two medical labs just to name a few.

It was during my last tour in the Army that I was injured and sustained a traumatic brain injury or TBI. Migraines from hell, seizures, broken bones from said seizures, concussions, spinal taps, loss of livelihood, relationships, friendships, mobility and sometimes the will to live (usually because of depression), oh and some vision as well. I have learned a lot from this as well. Not to take things for granted and my artwork went to areas it never would have if not for the injury.

I'm not here to get a GF/SO or date. I might write some more adult themed things, please don't judge me till you get to know me. We are not all the same, I'm sure you've never met anyone like me. Not said arrogantly. Just factual. We're all different.

Thanks for reading this.

Friend me if you like, I usually don't ask first but wouldn't mind a few friends on here.