Bluedreamz is using SimilarWorlds.
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26-30, F
All you tortured and strange before we begin, just open your mind so we all can climb in.
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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Blackie51-55, M
Hello. Tried messaging you but I messaged you a long time ago and never heard back so now I鈥檓 at your mercy for a response. lol 馃檪
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Iknowyourouttheresomewhere thinks you are Pretty.
Chrys72tine51-55, F
Chrys72tine thinks you are Kind.
MissyChrissy18-21, F
Can you answer my private message please?
If you didnt get it maybe it went to the requests folder.
plankter97951-55, M
Hi, care to chat in the messages?
Welcome to the asylum! Enjoy your stay 馃
Please message me
Sorry if I upset?