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Only Quiet in RL
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61-69, M
Happy Mother's Day πŸ€—πŸ€—β€οΈ
61-69, M
Have a new car 😎
61-69, M
Good morning πŸŒžβ˜•β˜•β˜• I hope you have a fabulous day. 😊
In honor of your big heart. Please never let go of it, not even because it hurts. Just be sure to take care of you, precious YOU!β™₯️✨
56-60, M
I'm getting there! Thank you
56-60, M
Happy Easter
Happy Easter!🐰🩷
61-69, M
It's really nice seeing you again. I missed this place. There are so many beautiful here. You included my beautiful. I hope you' re doing really good there. I still love your profile picture. It reminds me of a place that I love , thats in B.C. I'll see you around! Lol! Im hugging you
Thank you for being so incredibly kind to me. The things you say can bring soul warming tears to my eyes and also make my heart smile. You're absolutely precious yourself, so please always remember that, beautiful one! 🌸✨🩷
51-55, M
Happy Valentines Day!
56-60, F
These will soon be filling my yard. I'm so sorry I thought I sent you one. Well I'm going to make sure you don't get missed again.

Happy V day
61-69, M
Happy Valentine's Day πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
56-60, M
Happy valentine's day. Sorry for the late response.
Happy v day
70-79, M
For thinking about me at Christmas time
I did not realise it until a few days ago
Regard's Antonioio
70-79, M
Never seen your Christmas gifts until last night
I haven't used this account in a lot of years I don't know what made me check out , I even had to do a recovery on the password to get into the account Anyway wishing you a happy new year and may all your wishes come true for 2024 Tony
61-69, M
Thanks for the gift. Happy new year.
May you be like a dolphin and swim around waters free and happy new year to you too
56-60, M
Happy New year
I hope you realize you have a big heart yourself. All who know " it" vs placing unfair bias upon you, are truly blessed. May you continue to be a beacon of love & light in all the places that need it, especially here. I send my own in gratitude. πŸ’–βœ¨
61-69, M
here you go
80-89, M
Thanks for adding so much to the SW experience.
Here's a second helping of dessert to go with those Christmas leftovers.
51-55, M
Sorry for the late reply. Merry Christmas!!
56-60, M
Hope you had a good Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!πŸŽ„πŸŽ†
Thank you! Happy Holidays!
26-30, F
Thank you, merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Thank you so much.
61-69, M
Thank you. Merry Christmas