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When you're out at a public house

And there is so much life. So much laughter. So much joy and glee.

And your own immediate future is headed the opposite direction, what do you do to lift yourself up at least a little bit?
Bobby Burns asked himself the same question.

When ye're oot at a public hoose,
Wi' muckle life and cheer,
Wi' laughter loud and joys aboot,
A' happiness sae dear.

Yet yer ain future seems sae bleak,
Aye gaun the ither way,
What dae ye dae to lift yer heart,
An' chase the clouds away?

Ye mind the joys that life can bring,
The laughter and the song,
Ye join the mirth, ye raise a glass,
And let the nicht be long.

For though the morrow may be dour,
The nicht is young and bright,
In friendship's warmth, ye find yer strength,
An' dance awa' the night.
metaldog · 51-55
I try and remember there are others going through exactly the same thing as me and that makes me feel better
You slip into deliberate denial of tomorrow and embrace the now🤗

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