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Can’t stop the pain

I don’t know what else to say.
No matter how much I learn and grow
I just hurt. All the time.
Daydreams are where I express my love and see it reflected back to me.
And my heart hurts, because it’s not enough

I long for a love that I am not sure exists.
I’m frozen in my life because I don’t know what to do

I don’t know if I am waiting or if I am wasting time

Sometimes I think I should give myself something to focus on…study, shop, work idk
Head down
I just can’t shake the feeling that distraction isn’t the way
Spirituality, religion, god etc…stops me in my tracks because I [i]just don’t know[/i]…
Religion would stop anybody in their tracks because it's nothing but man-made philosophy, whereas you can know and trust Jesus as your Savior on a personal basis. I have known him and loved him and fellowshipped with him for the last 51 years, and I can sincerely and honestly tell you that he will not let you down. That doesn't mean everything will run smooth, but he will help you through everything just like he did me at my worst and most horrible moments. I didn't stay with him all these years for nothing. He has lived up to what the Bible says he is. He is perfect, he is sinless, he is trustworthy, he cannot lie and he will never abandon you! Guaranteed! What you're looking for can only be found in Jesus. I say that from experience and if you would like to talk with me about that and learn more, as others have asked me, I would be more than happy to do that. No pressure. You call the shots.

I recently wrote that our family prayed and so did our friends, when my granddaughter was kidnapped and missing for 5 days. He came through for us and he also saved my own daughter from dying one time. When all the doctors said there was no hope and her organs were just shutting down already, but Jesus pulled her through. I'm thankful for his love and mercy towards our family. I was like you and I looked every place I could for love, peace, joy, but there is no substitute for Jesus and I found that out and the way I found that out was instead of looking every place else, I looked in the one place I had never looked before and that was up, to Jesus, and he came through. He'll do the same for anyone who calls on him.
NoIinSoul · 26-30
Set small goals and take baby steps. I used to be a very lonely person, but I took small steps to get out of my comfort zone and go out. That feeling of urgency makes you want to solve your problems immediately in unrealistic ways.. Don't set big tasks you'll never do, set small ones that are so easy you can take them.

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