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Nina's Blog - Saturday 18th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024, 11:54

No breakfast at IKEA today. I did go there but their WiFi wasn't working. So I drove on to the sculpture park, walked around, took a few pictures, admired the sunbathing women and the scenery.

Now I'm in the Henie Onstad art centre café, Piruetten, having a much more expensive breakfast. Bruschetta and coffee
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 18th May 2024, 12:48

I mentioned the Veritas Park gatehouse recently, today I finally remembered to take some pictures

Similarly I said I'd take a picture to show the benches between the Veritas buildings and the water
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Are you going to post the pictures of the sculptures? 😎
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Matt85 Yes. But I have only photographed the ones I don't often visit today. Perhaps I should make a special post collecting them all together.

Today's sculpture pictures in a minute or two.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@ninalanyon Sweet potatoes 😎
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 18th May 2024, 12:53

Now for the few sculpture related pictures

As I walked away from that sculpture I encountered a woman walking the other way. She said how nice (koselig) my dress was. I replied that it was the perfect day for it to which she replied saying something like we must take the time to enjoy the moment.

I remember someone on SW saying that older people would be less accepting of cross dressing but my experience is quite the opposite and today's encounter is another confirmation, she was considerably older than me I think, quite likely closer to eighty than seventy.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
What is the temperature for ladies to be sunbarhing?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@turbineman40 It was about 23°C but without a cloud in the sky and quite still.
Strict4u · 56-60, M
Great pictures and that’s a beautiful colorful dress you are wearing
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon I bet you look amazing in your miniskirt
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Strict4u There will be pictures in today's blog post later.
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon good girl I can’t wait to see them
Looks really good! Hope you have a wonderful time on your upcoming UK holiday! 🙂
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@OlderSometimesWiser it was good, three times the price of breakfast at IKEA though :-)

I generally go for the cheapest acceptable thing not because I can't afford more but because I have an ingrained horror of not getting value for money. I think it partly stems from childhood because although we were not poor luxuries were seasonal things, Christmas presents were highly valued because they were quite literally impossible to afford otherwise. But looking back I can see another influence and that is the year immediately following university when both my wife and myself had no debts, cheap rent, and well paying jobs. At the end of those twelve months we had spent every penny we earned and really had little to show for it. I wonder now, well I have for some time, if we both overreacted in becoming perhaps more frugal than necessary.

So now I should try to unlearn or at least modify some of my lifetime habits so that I can enjoy the savings that frugality has produced.
@ninalanyon Lol…. I can relate. I call myself El Cheapo because I’m very careful about getting the best price and most value for my money. I hate thinking I’ve overpaid for something. Similar childhood situation, not poor but definitely budget conscious and luxuries came only occasionally.

I do think the trick is learning to balance the frugal with the spending for pure enjoyment. And of course one has to be mindful of not outliving their money!
meggie · F
@ninalanyon i do a day here and there overtime so I don't cut into my savings
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Saturday 18th May 2024, 13:06

Here's the next sculpture, a huge gnomon

And lastly the signs directing one to Veritas Park or the art centre
Musicman · 61-69, M
I am sorry you had to have a more expensive breakfast 😞 Money doesn't grow on trees.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Musicman It was good though!

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