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Idk what to do now

A guy keeps trying to talk to me and it’s honestly pissing me off and getting worse
We used to be friends with benefits for a while but then I stopped doing that kind of stuff when I began looking for someone serious.
Anyway, I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore and he said we could date and fuck. I told him no, because he obviously just wants me for sex.
It’s been like 6 months and he keeps saying he wants to take me out, date me, etc. but I keep saying no because he only got that idea after I told him I was looking for someone serious. I’ve blocked him on instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, everything. He calls me from Unknown numbers and he makes more snap chat accounts to message me. Today he actually got the nerve to add me on facebook??!!! Idk what to do or what he wants from me!!! It has been pissing me off but now I’m scared he’ll become a stalker idk what to do.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Tell him that you've lost interest since you got properly fucked by a real man. Go on and on about how you didn't even realize sex could feel that good.
I’d contact the police and find out if there are any cyber stalking laws in your jurisdiction. It’s important to know your rights. In the meantime, keep blocking him and don’t answer any calls from unknown numbers. Change your number if you can. Document all his contact attempts. You may need that later on as proof of his stalking. I’d also tell you to just unplug and stay off all social media but I know that’s not likely to be realistic.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
That is stalker material right there. Does he know where you currently live & work? If so, it may be time to change both. And keep detailed notes in case you need to file on him.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
You got him hooked on the tight lips 👀
You made it clear and now he has to move on. Block him if you have to, he'll eventually get the message
@AnonymousJSS Wow that is scary. He should be reported to someone. A no contact order too. This is definitely stalking behavior in my opinion
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@mindlessdrifter You think it’s already stalking behavior? I was thinking it’s not bad enough to report it yet.
@AnonymousJSS I would get the law involved anyway, maybe to make them aware of what is going on. They can take it from there, at least you have some back up
Adogslife · 61-69, M
You might want to have some larger male friends do you a solid and meet him and strongly suggest he bugs off.
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AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@1490wayb I wish. He’s definitely stronger than me lol

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