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There have been all sorts of things reported about the court case involving Trump, what is the truth?

The rest of the world has a problem with domestic American politics insofar as how it might affect the rest of us in American foreign policy and the worrying implications for “splendid isolationism “
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
The "truth" is clear if you look for it, it is all well documented, it is the fine points that are difficult.

1.Did he have multiple illicit affairs, aka extra-marital, over many years: Yes.
2.Did he boast of his ability to have any woman he wanted: Yes
3.Did he know Stormy Daniels: Yes
4. Was he convicted of sexual abuse in a civil case, only avoiding a formal criminal rape conviction because of stature of limitations: Yes
5. Did he work with Pecker of the National Enquirer to block damaging stories and make up positive ones: Yes
6. Were there payoff payments to woman to keep them quiet: Yes
7. Were the payments done to keep unfavorable publicity around the time of the election: Timewise yes, can it be proved that this was intentionally done to affect the election: that will be decided by the jury.
Smidke · 26-30, F
@samueltyler2 How can a criminal hope to become US President, or does having a criminal record not matter anymore there? Why can people who have made a massive contribution to the American dream but they were born overseas, not become president? I am thinking about Arnold Schwarzenegger here who arrived from Austria via London, almost fifty years ago, and who has served the American Republic even as a state governor, but he cannot hope to be President..
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Smidke the requirement for office of president, established over 200 years ago are enshrined in the US Constitution. The original framers never considered the morals needed, or even if someone accused or convicted of a crime can rule.

The rule regarding birth carries on a long tradition of colonial Europe, landowners were the ruling class, and that passed on by birth. They were frightened that someone he raised in another country could have different values and spoil the American dream. Little did they foresee, obviously, what we see now.

By the way, the definition of native born has broadened a bit over the years. In 2964 Barry Goldwater ran, he was born in Arizona before it became a state in the US. Romney was born in Canada, to US citizens. My daughter was born in Iceland when I was there serving on a NATO base in the US Navy. To be sure she had more blend, we formally applied for citizenship papers, in Iceland no birth certificate was ever actually issued. During the procedure, we asked if she could run for presidency, we were told probably. On her papers it reads source of citizenship, birth.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
@Smidke I don't think the Stormy Daniels thing will hurt Trump a great deal; he has a 'base' who will turn out for him no matter what. As for Schwarzenegger, this is, of course a constitutional matter, but there is also the matter of his age. 'Arnie' was born in 1947, which makes him the same generation as Trump and Biden, who are vying for the top job well past normal retirement age. I don't regard this as desirable; experience and gravitas is fine, but not gerontocracy.
The truth, huh?

I'm no prophet, but my guess is the world better buckle down and realize that there's a good chance, whether convicted or not in this tawdry case, that the office of the President will be occupied by a man with no morals or concerns beyond himself.

Sure, he talks isolationism when it suits him, but if you scratch his back, he might scratch yours, as evidenced by Zelensky, and for that matter, Stormy's $130k.

Honestly, as much as Trump in the oval office is troubling, he's not going to live forever, and the more disturbing thing is the millions of Americans who continue to embrace Trumpism and the dismantling of society and will outlive him.
It may not be a crime to pay a sexworker for sex.
It may not be a crime to pay a sexworker for silence.

But is sure as heck IS a crime to list any of those payments as "legal expenses" (which are tax deductible) on your official paperwork.

In Trump's New York hush money trial he is being charged with 34 counts of falsifying business documents. That's the actual crime he is charged with.

One more wrinkle: that crime can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on whether it was done with the aim or objective of committing another crime (extra wrinkle: the other crime doesn't have to have been proven in a separate court). In such cases, the other crime is called an object offense.

In his filing, Bragg sets out four potential object offenses: violations of federal campaign finance law under the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA); violations of New York Election Law § 17-152; violations of federal, local, and state tax law; and additional falsifications of business records outside the Trump Organization. Merchan allowed Bragg to move forward with the first three theories but tossed out the last one.

Looks like both Trump and Cohen filed false tax documents based on the payments, so the "violations of federal, local, and state tax law" (3rd object offense) looks like it will hold up. There are additional witnesses to say the hush money was paid for campaign purposes. That'll enable the 1st & 2nd object offenses.

This is mostly a documents case. There are written notes about paying Cohen back and tax impacts. There are 12 checks from Trump to Cohen. The witnesses are there mostly to tell the story to the jury and explain the meanings of the documents.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@ElwoodBlues but those charges are only misdemeanors unless the determination is made that he, tRump, intended the falsified cation as part of an actual city to alter the results of an election, then it is a felony!
@samueltyler2 Yeah, that's the bit in my post about "object offenses." Bragg is presenting evidence for three possible object offenses.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues And part of the falsification was the amount paid to Cohen, which was doubled to make up for what he'd have to pay in taxes.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
The truth? He finally got caught and should end up in jail.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
One thing for sure. None of these charges, or trials, would be happening if he
was not running for office again. All Non-partisan people are able to see that
this is all political, and should NOT be happening in the USA.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@DogMan Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. LOCK HIM UP!
daisymay · 51-55, T
The truth is that Americans don't need a change. You say "Biden" and "Trump" and you say nothing about a way out. And talking doesn't help. Americans are dedicated to destruction.

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