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My feed has nothing about Palestine or climate

Seems like a day for being antisocial and disconnected. Like all of them.
RopinTexan · 31-35, M
That sounds like a good thing to me! One of the few places you can avoid politics. It’s not like you can do anything about it anyway.
@RopinTexan the politics category definitely attracts people who are anti political. And it's working. Endless war, no democracy, inequality killing you all. Conservatives won that through snide denial.
RopinTexan · 31-35, M
@Roundandroundwego Why should people outside of Israel and Palestine invest any time or emotional energy, let alone take sides, in the Israel-Palestine war? It doesn’t benefit you, me, or anyone in Israel or Palestine to know about it.

I’ve been finding it ironic how American college students are protesting in New York to “stand with Palestine.” What do they wish to accomplish? If you want to go over there and protest, that’s one thing. But if you’re going to protest here…nobody in Israel or Palestine even knows you exist or cares about you.

Americans need to learn to mind their own business.
Because denial is the way to go on algorithmania.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego And what of your own denial?

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