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Yes It Can Happen Here. And We Have A Choice Vol. 2


The previous post was closed in the middle of the coversation. Feel free to continue to express your opinions on this thread.
Richard65 · M
Was it closed because you're a Holocaust denier...?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Was it closed because you're a Holocaust denier...?

It's been my observation that some posters get upset when others express different opinions than what they expect. I have no idea why the person closed the thread but I will never close one that I start regardless of what people say about the issue. After all, the best way to learn things is to be exposed to different perspectives.

IMO, the "holocaust' is the biggest hoax of the 20th Century. It was created to get Jews to move to Palestine and to steal the land to create the nation of Israel. It is still going on and, in some countries, the Zionists have made it a crime to question their BS fairytale. That should be enough proof for intelligent people to see that it's just a hoax and that they don't want people to question it and to see that it's fake.

If you are so inclined you can study the literature yourself and you may reach the same conclusion if you are objective about it.

If you wish to discuss the issue let me know.

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